Windham Mountain Going Private?

I only read the free part of that Storm Skiing article, but I think Stu agrees with me that this is mostly a (badly executed) rebranding to justify higher prices. It's exactly what you expect anyone to do when they have bigger crowds than they can handle. I don't even think the 2 day minimum on weekend passes is a big deal because they've raised the window rate so much that no one buys it anymore.
The six figure club seems the most controversial thing about it. It sounds like they're gonna hit up the current third floor club members for another $150K or so just to stay in the club they already bought into. How is that gonna work? Maybe they think there's enough high income work from home in the Catskills now that they can justify it with a golf membership, but that seems like a pretty small market. A "Hudson River outpost" in Coxsackie is not gonna impress the Hamptons crowd, or even anyone who's ever been to the Jersey shore.


This is an interesting discussion. I'm getting a little tired of comments like this however:

"these aren't serious skiers. How could you be if Windham is your home mountain?"

Some of you either have little experience with Windham, aren't very good at figuring out the terrain, or have some deep-seated grudges. Windham is my home mountain for the past 40(?) years and I can assure you I am "serious". I also put in time at Plattekill and Belleayre. Here I am 3/14/23 having a lark on Wedel, one of Windham's typically flat trails ;)

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And Plattekill 1/27/23 when we were the first ones up on the double behind patrol. This was taken on the second or third run. Note the empty chairlifts:
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Plenty more photos and videos from all three mountains last season, but definitely not "serious", as Windham is my home mountain smh 🙃
As an Arizona skier I often receive condescending comments and eye rolls from the unfamiliar. I appreciate those that know how to have fun wherever with whatever they have.

Most people that travel from afar to ski the Snowbirds and Jackson’s are often doing themselves a disservice and are spending a lot of money to impress others. They often are over-mountain-ing themselves and would have more fun going somewhere better suited for their abilities
Can't see both coexisting for long. Private is private. Imagine writing a check like that, and then sharing a lift with people like me.
Except Windham is not going full private. There are plenty of families who will go for less crowded and less driving on the weekend. You do not have to join the expensive club. Having said that, Stratton has a members only lodge in a similar price point and it always has a waiting list.
As an Arizona skier I often receive condescending comments and eye rolls from the unfamiliar. I appreciate those that know how to have fun wherever with whatever they have.

Most people that travel from afar to ski the Snowbirds and Jackson’s are often doing themselves a disservice and are spending a lot of money to impress others. They often are over-mountain-ing themselves and would have more fun going somewhere better suited for their abilities
I think you're overselling that, but only a little.

There's plenty of good skiing, and maybe even the best skiing, at small mountains, but tourists go to the big places because they have the amenities and grooming that they need. Almost every small mountain I know in Colorado has some combination of high altitude, limited easy groomers, weekend crowds or lack of hotels and restaurants that keeps tourists away.

OTOH I wouldn't disparage the locals at any small mountain anywhere. One of the scariest ski days of my life was following a local around Stratton.

I think it's pretty obvious where I come down on it. This whole website is an advertisement for the underdog.

Hills that don't have a big reputation often have untracked snow long after the snow stops falling.