
There's actually quite a few Pileated Woodpeckers around here in CNY. They're beautiful birds and fun to watch. I don't think the come to feeders often, rather they stick in the woods.
If ya had to be a Woodpecker what would you to?
Woods be better.
I used to have one of those metal fire pits on my deck. During mating season I had this woodpecker that would hammer on that thing for hours! Drove me nuts, I got rid of it.
I used to have one of those metal fire pits on my deck. During mating season I had this woodpecker that would hammer on that thing for hours! Drove me nuts, I got rid of it.
I had one pecking the tin on my chimney when the sun came up one summer. I'm a early riser but it still sucked
Yeah, sometimes we have a stupid woodpecker that goes at it on the flashing on the chimney. From inside it sounds like a f#%king jackhammer.
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Funny, I went for a nice quiet nature walk once at Wilderstein Historic Site. There was this incredible non-stop racket that I thought was some kind of construction. I emerged from the wooded trails to find a big Woody hammering away at a pie plate they had hung on the old house to scare away the birds.