Who's got the best cell coverage in the mountains?

I can’t speak to North Creek specifically but N2B is 100% correct overall. Verizon works almost everywhere. I probably ditched ATT a full 20 years ago but, until recently, I had my kids on the cheapo plans that use the ATT network. They had far worse service upstate. It’s been a long time since I had no service and somebody else in my group had a signal.
Verizon definitely has the widest (4G) network nationwide and in the east.

But if you have no signal in your home town, it doesn't matter. You buy the network that works for you most of the time.

For me, Verizon is excellent, except at our cabin, near North Creek.
I can’t speak to North Creek specifically but N2B is 100% correct overall. Verizon works almost everywhere. I probably ditched ATT a full 20 years ago but, until recently, I had my kids on the cheapo plans that use the ATT network. They had far worse service upstate. It’s been a long time since I had no service and somebody else in my group had a signal.
Sounds like that could be used as simple test for The Upstate boundary's quandary.
if i read right, the new iphone has SAT capabilities...i guess that will cover you everywhere..
If my cell worked at our cabin it would save me $1200 a year. That's what motivates me.

We never had any phone up there until my wife got pregnant and was traveling up with me, but not skiing, and stay behind alone all day.
Looks like I’ll stay with Verizon. It’s good enough for me at Gore and fine everywhere else.

I have Spectrum now, which uses the Verizon network. After I switched to the $30/month plan they told me I wasn’t eligible for it and they wouldn’t switch me back for a month.

Thanks for all the good info.

I only get Verizon service in a few spots at Gore. It seems like the did something to boost Verizon in the lodge and at the base. I can get it part way up the gondi, and in the trees on the North Side. Occasionally I can text at the summit.

Also I am now getting signal half way between North River and North Creek, for a mile or two.
I only get Verizon service in a few spots at Gore. It seems like the did something to boost Verizon in the lodge and at the base.
That’s exactly what I get and it’s good enough for me. I thought ATT was better all over the Adirondacks but that doesn’t seem to be true anymore.
