Who's got the best cell coverage in the mountains?

Milo Maltbie

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2020
I'm ready to change cell phone providers. I live in Saratoga, but I'm more concerned about coverage in the Dacks. Is AT&T still the best network, or has Verizon catched up? Is it worth considering T-Mobile?

Maybe @Harvey or @Cork have experience?

Thanks in advance.

Not T-Mobile. At least not around Lake Placid. I used to have AT&T. My husband wanted to switch and picked T-Mobile. He knows that these days once I get into the Adirondacks, he's not going to hear from me by phone.
I'm ready to change cell phone providers. I live in Saratoga, but I'm more concerned about coverage in the Dacks. Is AT&T still the best network, or has Verizon catched up? Is it worth considering T-Mobile?

Maybe @Harvey or @Cork have experience?

Thanks in advance.

Cork will know for sure. But everyone I know in the Crick has ATT.

Where do you plan to spend the most time?

I'm switching to ATT when I move.
I'm ready to change cell phone providers. I live in Saratoga, but I'm more concerned about coverage in the Dacks. Is AT&T still the best network, or has Verizon catched up? Is it worth considering T-Mobile?

Maybe @Harvey or @Cork have experience?

Thanks in advance.

It really is still a game of hopscotch in the Adirondack's, with one town having a verizon tower, and the next have an ATT tower, and only a few having both (meaning two independent towers.) In many locales, the APA limits on tower locations and height, causes a second carrier to be placed lower on an existing tower resulting in a much smaller signal reach.
Here in The TOJ/North Creek, ATT is the provider with towers in The Glen, Wevertown, and North Creek, as well as a private tower up at Barton's village at the top of Barton Mines Rd (right on the back side of Gore).
Gore has repeater devices afixed to the main lodge and the Northwoods lodge for both ATT and Verizon.
Because I hate Frontier, which until recently was the only choice for internet and homephone service in the area, I used a ATT hotspot for about 5 years here at my HQ, and there were literally no issues with it. I now use Slic for my internet and they are (y) (y)
Other carriers like T mobile do not fare well up here, although Straight Talk is popular option among many locals.
Cork will know for sure. But everyone I know in the Crick has ATT.

Where do you plan to spend the most time?

I'm switching to ATT when I move.
That is interesting that ATT is the best in your neck of the woods. In my part of the Whites, ATT sucks. Only Verizon or USC in the mountains where I live. I've found Verizon top notch in the Greens, as well, with USC a close second.
I'm on ATT. Up around LP / Saranac Lake, I think Verizon is the better choice.
It really is still a game of hopscotch in the Adirondack's, with one town having a verizon tower, and the next have an ATT tower, and only a few having both (meaning two independent towers.) In many locales, the APA limits on tower locations and height, causes a second carrier to be placed lower on an existing tower resulting in a much smaller signal reach...
Other carriers like T mobile do not fare well up here, although Straight Talk is popular option among many locals.
Sounds like ya gotta go to know.
I travel around quite a bit up there and around Albany. I have had Verizon since they bought cellular one. They used to be the only cell carrier I would ever have. My thoughts on them has been changing quite a bit in the past could of years. They drop calls all over the place. When I travel down the northway it's infuriating. You can't hold a ten minute conversation without going in and out if coverage. I used to be able to be on conference calls from the rest area south of exit 30 all the way to Albany with very little disruption. North creek Verizon worked fine back in the mid 90's. Then they went dark at some point. I get coverage again there and don't have any problem in town. Indian lake is Verizon. Long lake Verizon. Tupper lake Verizon. Saranac lake Verizon. Lake placid Verizon. At&t is what my co workers use in North creek. Oh and don't forget Newcomb Verizon. Verizon sold a lot of band width to spectrum and they are much cheaper, they seem to get better coverage than my Verizon. How do I drop calls everytime I go past Saratoga. Can it be to many users for to little band width? I don't understand the technology. I think Verizon sucks balls now where 15 years ago I thought they had the cell business by the balls. There stock price reflects my sentiment.
I’ve had ATT for close to 10 years. Lived in Putnam County and have a summer place on Sacandaga Lake just outside of the Adirondack Park. I’ve taken road trips all over the Northeast. They have improved modestly in the past couple years, but my two cents is ATT absolutely sucks in anything even modestly rural. Phone is practically useless on the entire Taconic Pkwy above Route 84. Around the lake I only get reception on the middle of the bridge. Those are best examples I have but my brother and cousins all have Verizon and they clearly have better coverage outside of any populated areas.