Whiteface Conditions

Yesterday was…..weird?

Lovely day, actually, as was Sunday afternoon. With temps in the mid and upper 30’s Monday and the sun out, no wind to speak of, it was absolutely lovely. Soft snow and powder pockets on natural trails, zoom-zoom on mostly soft and delightful groomers, with a few spring slush turns to be found in the sun.

As this lovely day wore on, actually, the ropes began to…….go up?

That’s right. Ropes went up on Mackenzie and Skyward. Mind you, just before those ropes went up I skied both. Sure, there’s some ice out there (a lot in spots), but there is also a TON of great, soft snow if you ski (even just a little bit) smart. Yes, the head wall on Sky is an icy mess, but there are other ways to get into Skyward without doing the 100 vertical foot head wall ice surf. In fact, first time we saw the rope across the top of Sky we just went in through the snow fields and had a lovely run. Next time up they put a closed sign over there, too.

I guess protecting the public means shutting down very skiable terrain because there are stupid idiots who aren’t smart enough to keep themselves out of trouble? This least common denominator stuff is for the birds!

Yet, here is another oddity of the past few days. Slide View Glades has been open (not that it has been listed as open on the conditions report. I know…you wanna know you gotta go….but the WF conditions reporting is terrible, if you ask me….but I digress). Slide View is thin a shit, but it’s been open. How it makes sense that Cloudsplitter Glades, which have more snow, aren’t open and Slide View is? I’d say that’s a head scratcher….but it’s probably just more of the least common denominator BS.

Anywho, other than those oddities the mountain is skiing great. Get it while you can!
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ORDA talks with APA on new amendment to the UMP.
It opens a public comment period.
A link to March 10th APA meeting video and ORDA’s presentations here.
ORDA’s discussion starts @ 4:06 or so.

Since ski mountaineering is gonna be an Olympic sport in 2026, and may be more exciting than curling, does ORDA consider it a sport yet?
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Having just experienced it for the first time, the placement of the Warhorse beggars belief. Way to "fix" a problem that wasn't a problem by creating a worse problem. That ol' Mixing Bowl lift made avoiding a hike very easy for lazy people like me. Now there's just… a much longer hike across the bottom of the whole damn hill. (Or, in my case, a skate through slush dragging my daughter.) How are advanced beginners, whom the new lift should serve, going to get there easily? Imagine dragging a kids' group lesson over there. It's just nonsense.
Better than expected today. Nor many people out, even though it was warm with good snow.
Lower Parkway was great. Almost no traffic meant no giant, sporadic bumps. Summit was clouded all day, so LWF (Wilderness, Mt. Run) were good options.
My guess is some ropes are going up soon. Paron's and Approach don't have a lot on them, and with liquid snow in the forecast tomorrow.....
Hey everybody, I've lurked these forums all season. Figured it was time to make an account so I could say thank you to everyone for all the Intel.

I skied Whiteface on Saturday with a few friends, it was only our 5th time at the mountain. Got a chance to ski Skyward finally, and wow, what a trail. I didn't know what I was missing! Our first 4 visits to WF we seem to have been unlucky with not a lot of trail options and lots of ice. It was nice to finally ski it proper. Anyways just wanted to thank the forum members and mods again for providing such a great resource.

Here's a picture of me hucking it off a ledge at the top of Skyward


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Hey everybody, I've lurked these forums all season. Figured it was time to make an account so I could say thank you to everyone for all the Intel.

I skied Whiteface on Saturday with a few friends, it was only our 5th time at the mountain. Got a chance to ski Skyward finally, and wow, what a trail. I didn't know what I was missing! Our first 4 visits to WF we seem to have been unlucky with not a lot of trail options and lots of ice. It was nice to finally ski it proper. Anyways just wanted to thank the forum members and mods again for providing such a great resource.

Here's a picture of me hucking it off a ledge at the top of Skyward
Skyward was very nice indeed on Saturday! Although I was on the lift when it got stuck for about 20 minutes. I was just thankful that it wasn't cold.
Heading up for what’s possibly my last day of the season tomorrow (day 54!). Anybody down to meet up?
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