What's for lunch

Today's brunch
Thomas's bagels with cream cheese and cheddar cheese
Not as good as bagels growing up in long Island with family days nothing is.???
Half of a melon, a small fresh, NYS Honeycrisp apple and a really good fresh baguette, part with a bit o' butter and the rest with a bit of tuna.
Good old campfire lunch today (sadly, not cooked over a camp fire). Hebrew National beef franks, Bush’s Original baked beans, ketchup, mustard, Red Hot.
From delicious upscale deli
Mozzarella sticks
Curly fries
Cheesestek quassdeias

Two boiled eggs?

Hey, I’m down with that. However, your description is entirely inadequate! There are a number of ways to boil an egg, and the eating experience differs dramatically depending upon how you cook ‘em.....so give us more.