What's for lunch

I believe that Pete has an MBA and left the business world to farm. I could be wrong, though.

I just sent a check for $645 to my veggie CSA. That means more than enough veggies for me between mid-May and mid-November. In a little bit, I will send another check for my fall share, which puts me into mid-December for veggies. My CSA pays a living wage and supports local people who couldn't afford a share.

I do a lot of cooking while my shares are coming in. I have a chest freezer in the basement and tons of freezer containers. Between the end of CSA season and the start of the new season, I am on the cleaning out the freezer diet.

Right about now, I would love a salad, but I have to empty out the freezer.

I do share extras with my dad and the local food pantry. They also get eggs from my reject chickens. (I don't like eggs, but I like chickens. I had lost my chickens. A while back, a neighbor was going to put some up on Craigslist for meat. They weren't supposed to be laying. Nobody told them that. I got four eggs today. Crazy reject chickens!)
Pete put up his trip to the market yesterday.
We’re getting loads of blueberries and the yellow squash/zucchini are coming on strong too.
Gardens are good.
Pete put up his trip to the market yesterday.
We’re getting loads of blueberries and the yellow squash/zucchini are coming on strong too.
Gardens are good.
I rarely go to the Saturday market anymore. It gets really crowded. I have a new bacon dealer at the Wednesday market. However, I may have to change my mind after seeing those steaks!
We had venison and turkey
Rt on
We had a 4 day party at our deer camp. We ate damn good.

Wood fire cooking is definitely the best, imo.
was that a wild turkey?
what cut of venison ?