
Read up on Delta 8 THC before procuring anything from these "legal" CDB shops in NY& NJ. It's a legal THC compound often synthesized and sprayed onto otherwise THC free CDB flower. It's loophole bullshit that these "legal shops" are using to trick uneducated users into buying a product that isn't exactly what they think it is.

That said some of these shops are flying in the face of the law and straight up selling the real deal which at this point is still 100% illegal on a rec basis here in NJ and NY. This half in half out legalized bullshit here in NY and NJ is allowing for horrid grey market practices that are really going to cause more harm than good and leave a bad legacy. All the more reason for full force Federal legalization. Know your grower or buy legit med or rec, and never go near grey market concentrates, its most likely not fentanyl but its also most definitely no what you think it is.

Interesting, I saw a flyer for one of the smoke shops on the local Indian Reservation with something about Delta 8. I will look into this. I don't know everything, but I know it's Delta 9! lol I should of known it was too good to be true...
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Thanks Scotty I was going to post this. Brattleboro PD had to backtrack on the "Fentanyl in Pot" story.


I had to take this article down, apparently linking to it is a copyright infringement.

I don't understand. But I'm not taking any chances.

Here's the link that if I post it I won't get sued:


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There is absolutely no reason to lace weed with anything. Especially fentanyl! I used to be a daily smoker, but due to random drug tests at my job I had to stop for a few years. I do partake every once in a while now, and I know I have like zero tolerance, but I feel like the average potency has increased tenfold during my hiatus. Or maybe I just smoked a lot of Dirt lol even the cheap stuff these days would have been considered Kind 10years ago IMHO. You have to be a real POS to lace weed...
Rt on
When is the last time anyone has bad weed. It's almost impossible to get dirt weed these days. At least that's been my experience.
Be nice to one another and yourself.
Be careful out there.
Rt on
When is the last time anyone has bad weed. It's almost impossible to get dirt weed these days. At least that's been my experience.
Stupid kids scamming younger stupid kids maybe? Doubtful and if it were it would be a weird, isolated event.

But yeah, there’s too much high quality product everywhere and generally from close friends I’ve never felt better about what I’m getting a hold of.
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