Wayback Machine Ski Related Memories

Me 1986 ish


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The Mad River Glen single chair has a mid-station like that. It works great because it's a single and no one ever uses it on busy days, but it's good on quiet days, especially when the lower mountain is thin.


I had a few days at MRG where I did hot laps down the upper lift line and loaded on the midway. MRG is one of my most favorite ski areas ever.
What's the deal with the Jackson Hole watermark on the pic? Jason clearly didn't have cash-flow problems back then.

Iol I didn't ..Single and living at home at the time
We skied past a mountain photographer, and I bought the pic..
I’m bumping for T-shirt guy and any other new members that might be interested….

This first one is a repost from the old forum. The death of Nabble seems like a good excuse to throw it up again.

What have the rest of you guys got?

It's the late 90s (97/98 season I think) I'm working at Killington at the time and I'm absolutely thrilled to be living ON THE ACCESS ROAD and under a bar. The place was a defunct hotel. It was a total dump. I rented one room for almost no money. The other rooms were rented to other people. There was a common area with a kitchenette, a big fridge and a TV that I pretty much shared with a bunch of strangers.

So one night, after getting back from a late shift at work (I think), I'm sitting in the common area watching TV and drinking a beer. One of the guys who rents one of the other rooms has a bunch of friends visiting and they're all partying their asses off in the bar upstairs but the guy that actually lives there has already crashed and is passed out on the couch behind me.

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I hear a noise and look over my shoulder. One of this guys friends just opened the fridge. I keep an eye on him cause I figure he's gonna try to take one of my beers. Oh shit! He is so drunk he thinks it's a urinal!

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I jump up and yank him back. He's so wasted I am able to throw him like a rag doll. Of course he doesn't stop peeing.

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He throws a big yellow arc across the wall, right over his sleeping buddy. I watch him go down, completely dumbfounded by what I'm seeing but I am aware enough to step back and not get peed on. Never saw that before.

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Oh fuck. I had two big bags of fruit in there.

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