TR Summer Vacation: Brownski does Florida

Jesus Christ. Not sure I’d want to be on a SUP next to that. One little bump and things could turn real fast. If I lived down there, it would be Grumman canoes all day long.
Ya can hear the gator hiss after she pushes against the reptile.
Went on a canoe trip northeast of Tampa once a while back.
There were gators, we were armed with Grummans.
Ya can hear the gator hiss after she pushes against the reptile.
Went on a canoe trip northeast of Tampa once a while back.
There were gators, we were armed with Grummans.
You can also hear a man telling her to start backing up fast because she just made the gator "mad." ?
I can't imaging SUPing in a place with gators, that seems nuts. Although to tell you the truth I can't imagine living in a place with gators, and that's not because of the gators themselves.

I'm no golfer but we work for some golf resorts, and some are in the south. It's not unusual for gators to come on the course. People don't think too much of it. They teach you that if you need to run away, make a lot of sharp turns. Gators can easily track you down if you run in a straight line, but they can't turn.
years a go I met up with a friend of my Dad's in Myrtle Beach for a round of golf. He was the course pro and on one hole he advised me to stay way left - not to just avoid the pond but also the gators in the pond. Apparently the groundskeepers liked to feed them hard boiled eggs... :D
Props to her for not freaking out, gently poking the gator away, AND continuing to shoot the clip.
We might need a thread entitled "Florida Crazy."
We might need a thread entitled "Florida Crazy."
I realize many of our forum members believe they are innately superior to southerners but I found everybody to be very nice down there. We could make a thread called crazy upstate and have plenty of fodder to keep it going. I think Crazy News will suffice
That doesn't describe me. And I wasn't addressing "nice." Go for the upstate if you are so motivated.

I thought about Crazy News but it wasn't really "news."

I have my own personal rule, don't paddle any craft in waters you aren't willing to swim in. I was saying that padding a SUP in gator waters is nuts IMO. I stand by it, as my opinion.

You're right that Florida = Crazy is a stereotype and stereotypes are invariable inaccurate and often mean. If we want to refrain from that stuff as a group, I'm on board with it.
SUP’ing with gators is def nuts. I didn’t mean you and I’m not gonna claim making fun of people is beneath me. I’m just saying that when “Florida man” type stories are discussed, there’s always somebody that makes it ugly, as is their right I guess. That wasn’t what I was trying to communicate in my TR. My beef with FL is that it’s too flat and too hot. Really that’s it
Awesome TR.

Reminded me of my parent's slide shows after vacations.