TR Summer Vacation: Brownski does Florida


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2020
First of all, this is a modern, high tech version of a puke bag. If you’re a puker, it’s worth investing in a quality product ahead of time. Dangerboy has a well earned puker reputation.


My parents and sisters have been Disney freaks for years. I enjoyed Disney World the first time I went in fifth grade but every time I got dragged back after that, it was less and less appealing, especially after I’d been on a real roller coaster. I felt obligated to bring my kids so they each got one trip and then it was on to bigger and better amusement parks for subsequent trips. Six Flags, Cedar Point, even Busch Gardens were all vastly superior from a rides perspective.

So for years when people talk about vacationing, moving to, retiring in or generally say anything nice about Florida, I would heap derision and scorn upon them. Florida is too hot, too humid, too crowded and especially too flat. It has no appeal to me. Some people would question me about where I’d been in Florida and, upon hearing my answer- Orlando - they would say “Well of course. That’s why you hate it. Orlando is the worst part of Florida. Nobody from Florida likes Orlando. You need to try the gulf coast of Miami or the Keys. Yeah, alright. I guess. I still didn’t feel any real urge to go back.

Then earlier this year, mg wife was nominated for and then won an award from a professional organization. She would get it and be recognized at a dinner in Tamp in the middle of August. We wouldn’t think of trying to milk her employee but they would legitimately cover two plane tickets and two nights in a hotel in Tampa. My wife suggested building a trip around it. Since Tampa isn’t Orlando, I agreed. Then she suggested trying out Universal since everybody says the rides are better than Disney and only Junior had been there before (on a class trip) which of course would mean that we would end up back in Orlando. I agreed on the condition that we carve out half a day to visit Gatorland, which is the only place in all of central Florida I had any desire to see again.
So we went to Florida for our summer vacation.


After landing, Dangerboy directed us to a nearby Culver’s for lunch. We discovered Culver’s on our Midwest / Texas road trip a couple years ago. Their butter burgers really are a treat. This was the first of many questionable food choices we made on this trip but it really tasted good.


Rather than staying in Tampa, we made our way to Clearwater Beach for a couple days. We got a deal at one of those clubs right on the beach. It was one of the older ones. Our room was on one of the upper floors.


Hurricane Fred had just rolled up the gulf so it wasn’t exactly sunny but the water was warm and the waves were nice. I should have had access to kayaks and jet skis through the club but the water conditions were an excuse to shut those down for the couple days we were there. Swimming in the waves and the pool was enough though.



We more or less just wandered around the touristy ares a bit. Drank some beers here and there, walked on the beach.



Too soon?


The pier was sort of cool.


I hate to think how many turtles got their cheeks ripped out before this system was implemented.


I‘m not going to claim I ate healthy in Clearwater Beach. I did have some fish at one point. That’s good for you right? I am starting to like grits too.


The beer menu wasn’t very deep but Dos Equis is an old favorite, better than what was available at the hotel.



The hotel was a little run down to be honest. This wasn’t all that long after that beachfront apartment building collapsed n Florida so when I noticed a prominent hump in the hotel hallway’s carpet I decided right away that the floor was sagging on either side of a steel girder. Hopefully they implode the place before it sinks.


We did get a little sunshine while we were there.


But there were still bits of Fred rolling through. I actually get a kick out of watching a big thunder storm roll across a big body of water.


Additional reading



When it was time to restate back to Tampa, Dangerboy had another request. Zaxby’s was discovered on a recent trip to North Carolina for a wedding. Damn fine chicken if I’m being honest.



We made another pit stop on the way. There’s a minor league team that plays there during the summer. No games while we were there though.



Our hotel in Tampa was much nicer, and right on the Riverwalk. We ended up on an upper floor there too.


Floating Tiki Bars are a thing down here?


That night we knocked off another MLB park.


Every bit as charming inside as, say, Barclays.


Still, there was baseball to be watched. We had pretty good seats but annoying neighbors and the place was almost empty so we wandered. Notice there isn’t a real bullpen. The Rays absolutely pounded Baltimore by the way.


They have a pool with actual rays in it though.


And somebody found the fancy food court.


It seems like everybody wants a piece of the upstate.


The funniest part might have been when somebody tried to get a wave going. Huge swathes of the seats were uninhabited so it would go a few sections and then Peter out.


Thd next day we didn’t have much planned until the evening so we let the kids hit the pool and my wife and I went for an exploration of the Riverwalk. Compared to San Antonio’s it was a little lifeless and lacking in charm. We spotted a place to rent boats though.


And then, even though it was set way back between a couple much larger buildings, my wife spotted this place. I found a good one alright.


So what if it’s 11 in the morning and 90 degrees out, I’m not passing up a Guinnes. I’m pretty sure they weren’t officially open yet. We bought a T shirt too.



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When we got back to the hotel, I collected the boys and rented a couple of the mini motorboats from the outfit on the Riverwalk. They’re not fast but Junior enjoyed having his own boat and it was a cool way to look around.



The hotel pool turned out to be pretty fancy too.


That night was my wife’s award dinner. I didn’t drink too much which was good because we ended up seated with some heavy hitters. The food was all right. A couple of the speeches were blockbusters. It was good for the boys to see their mom in that context so all good.

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Then it was off to Universal. We stayed at The Continental, a fifties themed hotel in the park. I feel like the woody could use about 4 inches of lift and some aggressive tires.


Of course we were back in Orlando at this point and I could tell. It was hot and humid as hell, exactly what I would expect out of Florida in August.


Universal was a disappointment. It’s split into two parks and they have about two decent roller coasters per park but they’re not Six Flags or Cedar Point sized coasters. Most of the rides are movie or TV themed “simulated motion”, which means that they sit you in a big box and shake you while a movie of a ride plays in front of you.

Universal is all in on the Harry Potter scene. I had no idea there was a Harry Potter scene or that tons of adults are into it enough to dress up in black robes (in like 100 degree heat) and walk around waving thier magic wands at each other and various inanimate objets. No disrespect- It’s just one of the many things on this Earth that remain a mystery to me.


The simulated snow did not make me feel better.


I did get a kick out of the Simpsons section though.




Spider Pig, Spider Pig, Does whatever a Spider Pig does….


So, honestly, we did have fun on the few coasters and a couple of water rides. The place was insanely crowded also, which is to be expected in a place like that. There is an actual movie theater there too, which surprised me for some reason.


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The Saturday before we were supposed to leave started with 5 AM texts that our flight home out of Tampa had been cancelled due to Hurricane Henri. Not cool. And because we’d booked me and my wife’s tickets through her employer’s travel agent and my kids’ separately, directly from the airline, the computer had no idea we were supposed to travel together. They auto-re-booked us onto different flights with different layovers, departures and arrival times. Really not cool. I considered driving home and returning the rental car to Newark but that turned out to be insanely expensive. My wife spent the whole morning on the phone, getting it all fixed and we ended up all together on a direct flight out of Orlando but it was kind of sketchy for a couple hours. Extending our stay in the hotel one night was easy and returning the car to Orlando instead of Tampa somehow saved us about forty bucks.

All that drama behind us, the real highlight of the trip was finally at hand. Goddamned motherfucking Gatorland- AKA the happiest place on Earth.


I was a little worried I might have oversold Gatorland to my family. I was the only one who had been there before. We had visited another, much smaller gator park in Beaumont, TX a couple years ago, but that place is no Gatorland.


There are cold blooded soulless carnivores everywhere you look. Up front, right where you walk in, are a couple pools full of little ones.

As you go further back and explore, they get bigger.


What I find enthralling about these animals is that they seem to look back at you like you’re nothing but a hamburger to them. It’s creepy as hell. There some huge ass gators back there. I’m not sure I would even be a full meal for some of these monsters.


Theres a big pool they call the breeding lagoon with a tower you can climb up for a different perspective.


We watched these guys get fed. They all tend to just lay still, staring you down unless they’re nipping at each other. When the food came out though, they started moving fast, climbing over each other, reaching up for the fence… it was wild.


There are birds everywhere. They seem to get along with the gators alright too.


It’s not 100% predators though. There is this 100 year old tortoise.


Some pink flamingos.


And then, just to demonstrate what a fucked up crazy place it is, we walk around a corner and this dude is just hanging out. There’s no enclosure, just a little doghouse next to the walking path.


And don’t forget Chester


And why is this enormous 13 foot long, half ton cold blooded killer all by himself? Holy shit.


Read between the lines, people. Chester didn’t just eat some poodles. He clearly ate some other gators after arriving at his new home. Chester is a bad ass.

Then there are some white gators.


whew. Walking around this place is emotionally exhausting. Most of the time you’re on wooden walkways over the swamp so you constantly catch something out of the corner of your eyes and when you turn to look there’s another gator sitting there eyeing you. “Go ahead dummy, lean on the railing. I’m ready for you.” It’s unnerving.


There’s a gallery of notorious croc and/or gator related news stores. Most of them will be familiar to fans of the species.




And there also this chicken wire enclosure full of these tiny little birds. People go inside with thier kids and feed the birds and they land on their hands and stuff. I hate to think what prompted this. Kids are fucking animals.


So anyway, there’s lots of shows and educational things to watch too. We all got Tshirts on the way out.

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The Saturday before we were supposed to leave started with 5 AM texts that our flight home out of Tampa had been cancelled due to Hurricane Henri. Not cool.... and returning the car to Orlando instead of Tampa somehow saved us about forty bucks.

All that drama behind us, the real highlight of the trip was finally at hand. Goddamned motherfucking Gatorland- AKA the happiest place on Earth...There are cold blooded soulless carnivores everywhere you look. Up front, right where you walk in, are a couple pools full of little ones.

What I find enthralling about these animals is that they seem to look back at you like you’re nothing but a hamburger to them. It’s creepy as hell. There some huge ass gators back there. I’m not sure I would even be a full meal for some of these monsters.

It’s not 100% predators though.

And then, just to demonstrate what a fucked up crazy place it is, we walk around a corner and this dude is just hanging out. There’s no enclosure, just a little doghouse next to the walking path.

And why is this enormous 13 foot long, half ton cold blooded killer all by himself? Holy shit.

Most of the time you’re on wooden walkways over the swamp so you constantly catch something out of the corner of your eyes and when you turn to look there’s another gator sitting there eyeing you. “Go ahead dummy, lean on the railing. I’m ready for you.” It’s unnerving.

So anyway, there’s lots of shows and educational things to watch too. We all got Tshirts on the way out.
Drivin on the I-4 Orlando-Tampa shitshow is scarier and more dangerous than Gatorland, just sayin.
Glad y'all made it back home safely.
Congrats to your wife too.
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Loved the gator country pix at the bottom. The alligator/croc differentiators were helpful. Florida has a lot of interesting/worthwhile aspects; however, you have to be prepared to wade through heaps of unpleasantness (which is subjective -- some enjoy the red-meat American cultural and political aspects) to get to it.
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Loved the gator country pix at the bottom. The alligator/croc differentiators were helpful. Florida has a lot of interesting/worthwhile aspects; however, you have to be prepared to wade through heaps of unpleasantness (which is subjective -- some enjoy the red-meat American cultural and political aspects) to get to it.
If it wasn’t for the fact that my sister lives there and the fishing is really great state would be a great place to test nuclear weapons
If it wasn’t for the fact that my sister lives there and the fishing is really great state would be a great place to test nuclear weapons
Golf, wildlife, snorkeling/diving, seafood, fishing -- that ain't nuthin', along with all the 70s groups I grew up with that came outta northern FL: The Outlaws, Molly Hatchet, Tom Petty, Skynyrd, Allman Bros, Blackfoot, etc. Yes, I'm defending Florida (within reason).
If it wasn’t for the fact that my sister lives there and the fishing is really great state would be a great place to test nuclear weapons
This ??

Upon his retirement my dad lived in a so called gated golf community on the Gulf Coast , it was his dream and then he ended up really missing CNY and the Dacks

For me it is nice to visit for a little while , but Florida is a " plastic urine forest shitshow? " on many levels.
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I should add that I did conclude that the Gulf Coast is nice. I’m curious to explore some non- touristy portion of it at some point. And I admit that the Keys still hold an appeal. I haven’t been down there yet.
Our flight home was mostly seatbelt light on but not too bad. We landed in Newark with the remains of hurricane Henri dumping rain all over our area. The landing was no problem but the ride home was a gripper.