Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

Ever the cynic! While profiteering on the eclipse was rampant, in my sphere of eclipse-dom I didn’t see a single T-Shirt or bit o’ swag for sale. That, and analogies don’t get much more apples to oranges than saying a total eclipse is the equivalent of watching grass grow, if that is what you are saying.

I respect Camp’s comment about the exhilaration of taking down a Buck, even if hunting isn’t for everyone. For fishermen/women snagging a Trout can be the same. Bucks and Trout are a wee bit better than the grass analogy, though still not apropos analogies, I don’t think. Does scarcity not drive value? Grass and Buck and Trout see kind of a dime a dozen compared to totality of an eclipse, perhaps.

This thread is certainly interesting, everyone looking to justify their decision to see/not see the eclipse in its totality!
Satire my man strictly satire :) Now as far doing one's own thing ,hey whatever floats yer boat.
Ever the cynic! While profiteering on the eclipse was rampant, in my sphere of eclipse-dom I didn’t see a single T-Shirt or bit o’ swag for sale.
Marketing pizza at the stoppage in Warrensburg FTW.
A dang public service.
Phew. Glad I didn't go back that way.

I did fill up with Oscars on the way up.
I've certainly enjoyed the photos and reports, some cool shit and much more impressive than any eclipse experience I was willing to put together. Two of my favorites below.

The most mind blowing thing to me about the whole phenomenon is that the size of the moon and the sun being close to the same. In my pea brain the moon is so much closer that is should obscure the sun completely or maybe the sun is so big the moon would just dot it? But whoa! according to NASA It is the result of a cosmic coincidence. Even though the Sun is about 400 times bigger than the Moon, it is also about 400 times farther away. This makes the Sun and the Moon appear almost exactly the same size in our sky. Hmm, cosmic coincidence!?

eclipse 1.jpg

photo NASA James Web Space telescope

eclipse 2.jpg

photo (Almost Famous Brewing fb page)
Turned out that the students at North Country School (boarding middle school across from Mt. VanHo) got a good view of the eclipse. The Exec. Dir. is quite an outdoorsman. He took a group of kids up the bump called Trouble (on the flank of Pitchout) on campus so they watched from the rock face up there. He was quite impressed. Some students watched from the barn because they wanted to see how the farm animals would react. Most were on the open field in the middle of campus. Heard the story first hand today since the NCS alumni gathering at Alta Lodge is this week.
The most mind blowing thing to me about the whole phenomenon is that the size of the moon and the sun being close to the same.
Me too.
The most mind blowing thing to me about the whole phenomenon is that the size of the moon and the sun being close to the same...and we wobble & spin in unison on a sphere where life exists.
The speed of the shadow and the many different tracks of totality for different eclipses is amazing too.
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