Perseid meteor showers, double rainbows, mirages in the middle of Lake Ontario, northern lights in Inlet, a bald eagle swoop snagging a fish not far away, mirror like reflections on an Adirondack Beaver dam on a sunny day of peak colored trees, lake snow sparkles night all I got for coolest, now thinking about it.The coolest natural phenomenon I ever saw was a massive meteor shower in Glacier National Park.
The eye doc told me relatively recently (after a dude invented the eye medical imaging scan device-Optos) I have asteroids in my eyes. Told him that explains it. I get fascinated looking at snow sparkles on a chairlift if they’re out when it’s sunny and/or at night.The little roids haven’t changed since they 1st told me. A couple % of folks have them.
So I guess I have that going for me. Gonna donate ‘em if they’re still any good.
Have yet to experience-observe a total eclipse yet.
Dude invented the Optos device after his child went blind so he could diagnosis others.
About Optos
About Optos. Optos was founded and incorporated in 1992 by Douglas Anderson after his young son went blind in one eye after a retinal detachment was detected too late.