Things skiers do but shouldn't.

I’m a slow line fast type of skier. I take up a lot of real estate. I’m conscience of this. Before I set off I make sure the uphill coast is clear as far as I can see. It’s very clear to anyone uphill of me what I’m doing. I get yelled at from time to time by people who’s line I turn into. I’m fairly certain they believe it’s on me to keep track of their uphill progress.
Personally I think if you keep the same cadence and consistent turn lengths across the hill, regardless of how wide your turning, then you are doing it properly. The uphill person should be able to navigate around you or stay behind. I often ski a similar line with fast wide turns.

But if I decide to suddenly change cadence, making an abrupt turn off my previous uphill line then I check up hill before doing so. Sounds like you do the same. Little solice in being right if there is a collision.