The Things That Make Us Happy


It's perfect. With mom in the background.
The Sycamore Swimming Hole

Not sure why this popped into my head but one of my life’s best memories.

I was a teenager that liked to fish. I would hop on my bike a ride a few miles to a trout stream by a covered bridge. One of my favorite holes was by a massive Sycamore tree, probably 6’ in diameter. It’s undermined roots were good for a couple trout.

As I approached the bend in the stream I noticed something was different, it was a quarter mile walk down stream. Holy Shhhh
the tree had fallen across the steam! It was so massive that the stream had cut underneath the trunk and created a 10’ deep hole. I didn’t bother fishing but turned and rode home at warp speed. The word spread and soon all my friends were in they’re swimming trunks and on their bikes.
The roots made a natural ladder and springy diving board. A good 15’ up !!
My last memory of the swimming hole was sitting on the trunk thinking life doesn’t get any better when a 2’ rainbow trout jumped with the evening sun showing off its colors.

We were there every day for two weeks but when we approached the bend a final time a horrible sight was the township had cut the stump ( all but 6” was below the water) and as if overnight the hole had filled back in.
Ziggy looks stoked!

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