The Things That Make Us Happy

End of the day, a storm day, Mountain Runs opens after being closed "for racing" all day, a foot of pow on top
My 10 year old son got his pass pulled for straight-lining (on purpose) Mountain Run.
Yeah - a proud moment for Dad ! 😁

(he did get his pass back after a day or two and a "talking" to)
Yea I bounced my way down that bad boy. It's incredible when the last run is the best of the day.


@ADKmike on Mountain Run 3:45pm

It was the first time I skied Mountain Run and it's one of my favorites.
Surviving several Heart related hospitalizations last winter and spring and feeling much stronger now with good metrics .

Being able to be with family and friends and enjoy life again without trauma or strain on others

Please God that THIS may continue 🙏
Surviving several Heart related hospitalizations last winter and spring and feeling much stronger now with good metrics .

Being able to be with family and friends and enjoy life again without trauma or strain on others

Please God that THIS may continue 🙏
Hope ya keep on hittin em in 🏌️‍♂️ ⛳ .
It's like an AirBNB.

Will there be scented candles?
