The overland craze is out of control

Pedestrian infrastructure spending has made little to no difference in pedestrian deaths in NYC, make no mistake that vehicles are the issue here and smart phones and texting and touch screen displays that are larger than some TV's. We aren't taught the responsibility and danger that comes with driving in drivers ed. People are SO FUCKING CARELESS behind the wheel its baffling, this is the most dangerous thing we engage with daily as individuals and we treat it with total disregard. Changing the entire culture around driving from an entitlement to a privilege might help but our entire country is engrained in automobile culture and built out as such. The situation @TheGreatAbyss described taking place in Maplewood is now the standard, not the exception.
A Tahoe only weighs approximately 1000 lbs more than a Tesla. The Tahoe also comes with around view monitors, lane keep, accident avoidance sensors, parking sensors, adaptive cruise control, etc. Even my big scary trucks have that. Personally I feel these create lazy drivers, but sobeit.
Would love to hang around, but I'm heading up on the mountain to serve up jello shots to 500 Rovers who are off roading.
And how often is this sort of thing occurring in your community?






We got big rigs hitting the parkway’s train bridge a lot, if that counts.
It’s more than a tight fit with lots of warning signs and blinking lights.
I’m convinced the main cause is texting and driving. Everyone has their phone in their hands. Number one reason I won’t ride bike.
seriously, buy what you want. Then, if you think big cars are bad, go ahead and scold people you see driving them. Start with people you know from work, then relatives (Thanksgiving and Christmas are great opportunities to hector in-laws, cousins and other extended family). When you run out of those people , you can work on strangers you see at the grocery store and gym and stuff.

And please report back how it goes
seriously, buy what you want. Then, if you think big cars are bad, go ahead and scold people you see driving them. Start with people you know from work, then relatives (Thanksgiving and Christmas are great opportunities to hector in-laws, cousins and other extended family). When you run out of those people , you can work on strangers you see at the grocery store and gym and stuff.

And please report back how it goes
Nobody is scolding, where are you getting that?
My comment seems less relevant now that I’ve caught up. I think a few pages didn’t load when I first opened it up. Ignore me
I’m convinced the main cause is texting and driving. Everyone has their phone in their hands. Number one reason I won’t ride bike.
It’s not just texting. Cell phones predate texting, and now we have touch screens. It’s a 25 year accumulation of distractions.
