The New Normal

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I agree you. Still others look at those same numbers and come to a different conclusion. Something has them calculating risk differently. CNY is considering information that I don't have, or I don't view as credible.

The numbers I've seen on hospitalizations make it a no-brainer, for me. From what I can tell, C doesn't accept those numbers as true. Like I said before, I don't see the logic in the cdc trying to trick me. I don't see what they are gaining.
Yeah, this online posting is hard because you don't know me, I don't know you, etc. Apologize if I come off arrogant but assure you that I am always trying to learn and discover the truth. My favorite quote (Keynes?) is "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" And of course, medicine changes and we benefit from the new-found knowledge.

Your comment ... "the expert's" are saying "We're not sure but we believe the vaccine works...greater degree of immunity, etc." is what troubles me. Based on my county's website two days ago, the immunity argument is shot. 45% of all new "cases" are from vaccinated people. That is pretty close to 50/50 and implies that the vaccine does nothing to prevent new cases. Their argument is that you may get infected but a vaccine will prevent you from getting sick, etc. I haven't been able to find enough data to prove or disprove this claim. That said, I do know what will help prevent you from getting sick - staying fit/trim and making sure you have a good immune system. This is the low cost low-hanging fruit so to speak.

I should have know better to enter this foray. Once someone gets the vaccination they have a natural inclination to defend their decision. I get that. All I was trying to do is explain why some of us have chosen otherwise. We are facing a scary mob mentality situation but most of us will refuse to be part of this experiment. Let the cards fall where they may.

Skiing, anyone? I just booked a two week AirBNB in Vermont for this Winter and am looking forward to having a great time! Family and friend will visit and I will have the pleasure of teaching my two grandchildren to ski! That will be two generations for me and I could not be happier!
That sounds valid. Are you doing anything to protect others?
I agree you. Still others look at those same numbers and come to a different conclusion. Something has them calculating risk differently. CNY is considering information that I don't have, or I don't view as credible.

The numbers I've seen on hospitilizations make it a no-brainer, for me. From what I can tell, C doesn't accept those numbers as true. Like I said before, I don't see the logic in the cdc trying to trick me. I don't see what they are gaining.
Yes, I knew you agreed with me. I just can't see how math lies, or is even confusing, at all.
Over the weekend we had a covid death in our local ICU. Fuck me.
I agree you. Still others look at those same numbers and come to a different conclusion. Something has them calculating risk differently. CNY is considering information that I don't have, or I don't view as credible.

The numbers I've seen on hospitalizations make it a no-brainer, for me. From what I can tell, C doesn't accept those numbers as true. Like I said before, I don't see the logic in the cdc trying to trick me. I don't see what they are gaining.
People look for the facts that support their own pre-existing opinions. Because if the innernets, there are "facts" that support every possible opinion. "Do your own research" is code for "follow every crazy conspiracy theory."
I'm old enough that I had childhood friends who were crippled by polio, a kindergarten friend who died (I believe) of meningitis and I even knew someone whose face was scarred by smallpox. All that was stopped by vaccinations, with no apparent side effects in anyone I ever met.
I'm going with vaccination every time.

Mathematicians came up with the concept of imaginary numbers, so there’s that.
The square root of -1.
Identified as i.
Mathematicians came up with the concept of imaginary numbers, so there’s that.
Which is just one of the non-obvious and difficult to understand ideas that underlie advanced technology, like the electric power system. So there's that.

You're welcome.

Electricity is somewhat easy to understand. Flows of electrons.
Magnetism is a subset and a tad harder at it’s core.
Light being both particles and waves is fascinating.

I have sympathy for CNY’s POV even though I don’t share it. The fact is that the communications on this have been terrible. In the very beginning it was probably because nobody knew which way was up and they thought they had to project a sense of authority and control that didn’t exist. Then it got political and all our leaders on both sides had a dual mission- whatever their actual job was + whatever helped them win politically.

For whatever reason there still seems to be some dissembling going on. I honestly don’t understand why the powers that be can’t have an honest discussion about natural immunity for instance. And I don’t understand why we seem to be pushing for 100% vaccination rates. 100% has never been required to defeat previous diseases. So I have questions, yeah.

All that being said, just because you think somebody is a liar doesn’t man that everything they say is a lie. Maybe because I work for a huge corporation, I’m just accustomed to sifting lies and half truths apart from useful information I can use to make reasonably good decisions. In this case, whatever questions I have about any of our leaders past or present isn’t enough to undermine my faith in modern medicine so, as I’ve said before, I got myself and the rest of my family vaccinated as soon as we were eligible.

Also, it does seem like some people are on the verge of hitting the panic button again, which I think is understandable because we are clearly going through another surge in cases. But it’s useful to think back on where we were a year ago and compare. My opinion is that we’ll get through this one faster and cleaner then the last one and that the next surge, which is surely coming, will be smaller and less deadly then this one.

This is a little old now but I think it’s still helpful for perspective, though some may find it political.

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