The Joke Thread

It's no joke but a follow-up to the Volunteer joke above.

The regular season ended with the Vols ranked #1 in the country and the Rebels the last team being invited to the NCAA baseball College World Series playoffs.
The Rebs ended the season sub 500 in the SEC @ 14-16.
Ole Miss won all their games in the NCAA playoffs so far (the last 2 being shutouts) while Tennessee was eliminated by The Irish.
The SEC West has 4 teams in the final 8 headed to Omaha.
Texas & Oklahoma also made it and are joining the SEC in the fall.

Hotty Toddy y’all.
Kiffin follows up at SEC media daze.

"On the golf ball which goes back to the first pitch of the Tennessee game, we got swept by Tennessee and everybody thought it was my fault," Kiffin said. "I had a plan. I wanted our guys to stay humble and go win the national championship in baseball.

"All the Tennessee fans who were excited about sweeping us, there was a plan."

I guess I didn't think about that thing being a meme, and the implications of posting it.

I'd like to see an example of a conniption fit authored by me. The only time I remember being triggered was when someone seemed to be using childhood starvation for a laugh.

Thanks for the backchannel approach.
I guess I didn't think about that thing being a meme, and the implications of posting it.

I'd like to see an example of a conniption fit authored by me. The only time I remember being triggered was when someone seemed to be using childhood starvation for a laugh.

Thanks for the backchannel approach.
Maybe conniption fit is too strong, but your dislike was palpable even through the series of tubes called the internet.
It ain’t no joke but glad The Rebels go for it on 4th down more than most teams.
Kifffin found a new punter at a frat keg party.
Got some conditioning work to do with the guy ..."
Heard this one yesterday while golfing with the usual suspects getting 18 in before the weather turns.

Lee Trevino, the great Mexican-American Hall of Fame golfer, told this story.
Lee was out working in his own yard when a woman pulls up in a big, shiny Cadillac, rolled down her window and says,
"Excuse me, do you speak English?"
Lee answers, "Yes Ma'am, I do."
The woman then asks , "What do you charge to do yard work?"
Trevino innocently replies, “Well, the lady in this house lets me sleep with her."
The woman took off quickly in her Cadillac.

Yard work is good for ya and has its rewards.
"Uncle Ira and the Love Shack "
I came across this video this morning and started laughing as I thought about an old hunting buddies Uncle. He lived in a small subdivision where me and a few friends would Archery hunt. His back window had a view of the neighbors rear garage. The neighbors son was late teen , he had build a plywood shack that he and his girl friend would visit . He had spray painted "Luv Shack " on the outside . Ira was a local legend for his antics , one Involved a DUI jaunt through a pasture with horses . He looked like a small version of the family guy and his laugh was infectious.

One day he had a few too many , he noticed the two love birds headed for their Luv Shack. Ira had shot a huge Bear in Canada a few years earlier and had the skin hanging on the wall. He dons the skin and made his way out back , he starts growling and scratching the plywood Luv Shack and enters through the doorway with a large growl .
Two hormonal half dressed teenagers scream and run out ....................:ROFLMAO: