The Horse Thread

He's fine. It's just how he is. Some horses are a bit more anxious than others, the same as humans. I kind of think he would have been a happy show hunter, so he could see school over all the jumps and see everything prior to competing.

But, that's not his life. So, we muddle along the best that we can. Adding to his spookiness, he has sweet itch (allergic to bites from midges) and is currently dealing with clover slobbers. All of these things make him an interesting ride because he can be very distracted by bugs and periodically needs to let his head down to drool.

However, that said, this morning, we played with shoulder in to haunches in, only at the walk because of all the rain. It wasn't perfect, but I was really pleased. He's pretty good with shoulder in, but we haven't done much with haunches in.
I meant is he gelded? I realize TBs are squirrelly but Stallions of any breed can be nuts
Of course, he's gelded. No way in hell would I ever want to deal with a stallion.

(Edited to add.) That actually was a huge point of contention in my divorce. :p I had bred my mare and gelded her son. My ex held onto that for almost ten years, maintaining that we had lost lots of money on stud fees. I, however, looked at it as a) we had wire fencing and b) I had no desire whatsoever to deal with breeding. None. Way too much work, no matter how well he was bred.
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No politics with horses and their genitalia, IMO.

Horses are horses, each is different within their breed and each is bred for a purpose. Draco tends to be on the hotter side. He's not as hot as an Arab. (I had an endurance-bred Arab for a bit.) I am guessing that the horses that Brownksi had while being a trail guide were bred for being more mellow. Probably Quarter Horse and Quarter Horse crosses. Maybe some draft blood thrown in. They tolerated beginners. Putting a beginner on Draco would be bad for all involved.
Exactly right except that there was a mustang and an Arab also. Some of them we didn’t even know what they were. They were a motley crew. A few still provided a horse explosion once in a while but generally undramatic individuals.TJ was referencing another thread
Nice. I was just thinking yesterday how much I miss being around horses. It might drive me to actually go for a trail ride at one of the local places.
Check out Rough Riders ranch, one of the last in the Catskills
View attachment 9364

I asked about getting inside of this building to check it out. It turns out that all the stables surround some kind of an indoor (dirt?) riding ring. Apparently on weekdays after school, you can check it out.

I also learned that that there are spots for about 30 horses and the stable isn't full.There are about 8 boarding horses and 10 "county" horses.