The Definitive Solution to the Upstate NY Question

WTF? Who has a front porch anymore?
Upstate is where people want to live in giant houses on 5 acre lots and never go out to socialize because DWI.
I think you are projecting some typical Upstate misanthropy onto downstaters.

I recently read an article about gentrification in the countryside, specific to the Catskills. City folks looking to escape the pandemic buying up rural properties. If I can find that particular link, I'll share it.

When I move upstate, it won't be to a giant house because that's not my tax bracket. However I wouldn't mind a little acreage so I can crank up the guitar and not get neighbors complaining.
When I move upstate, it won't be to a giant house because that's not my tax bracket. However I wouldn't mind a little acreage so I can crank up the guitar and not get neighbors complaining.
You're gonna fit right in. Avoiding neighbors is a defining characteristic of Upstate culture. Also, every Upstate house is giant by City standards.

You're gonna fit right in. Avoiding neighbors is a defining characteristic of Upstate culture. Also, every Upstate house is giant by City standards.

I don't see this
Then again I live in CNY so maybe it's different
My family is def in upstate. None have big houses and they're all really tight with their neighbors.
I don't see this
Then again I live in CNY so maybe it's different
My family is def in upstate. None have big houses and they're all really tight with their neighbors.
A couple days ago was putting some blue fertilizer on the berry bushes and azaleas via a 5 gal bucket to mix and a smaller bucket to dump on the base of the bushes.
Neighbor came over later with a brand new hose he bought because he felt sorry for me doing the bucket brigade thingy
WTF? Who has a front porch anymore?
Upstate is where people want to live in giant houses on 5 acre lots and never go out to socialize because DWI.
I think you are projecting some typical Upstate misanthropy onto downstaters.

Many front porches here in ST Lawrence County , many restored old Victorian Painted Ladies and vintage Colonial Homes , Four Squares especially in our college towns , and there are still village greens too
Not many folks saying that anymore.
Dang help wanteds all over the place.
Truth Tski !

MOreover , the College towns here in St .Lawrence County
are very stable economically . Many towns here also have additional Public and Quasi public employment which together with education creates a multiplier effect in small business .

MFG moved out LONG ago and was only focused in 3 towns in our county..

Ergo the Public sector and the quasi publics are THE economic engine and have been for several decades . Schools , colleges , private schools , hospitals , prisons , psch centers , various county and local govts and their various service depts , State and federal agencies and various private quasi publics in longterm care industry are some of the discreet elements in that Economic Engine

The county: the fifth largest geographically east of the Mississippi has ONLY 106,000 population so these cited economic engines are the major drivers in the region coupled with tourism and student spending in the region..

industrial parks exist in the 4 major population ceneters here , most were incubated by the technology and business initiatives of the 4 colleges , others are US distribution/ small assembly centers for Canadian enterprises
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I don't see this
Then again I live in CNY so maybe it's different
My family is def in upstate. None have big houses and they're all really tight with their neighbors.
Nor do i , frankly quite the opposite .

True story : my son a medical professional in NYC born and raised in NNY tells the story when he first moved to Manhattan he would say HI to peeps while walking about and they would give him the " Side eye "
Truth Tski !

MOreover , the College towns here in St .Lawrence County
are very stable economically . Many towns here also have additional Public and Quasi public employment which together with education creates a multiplier effect in small business .

MFG moved out LONG ago and was only focused in 3 towns in our county..

Ergo the Public sector and the quasi publics are THE economic engine and have been for several decades . Schools , colleges , private schools , hospitals , prisons , psch centers , various county and local govts and their various service depts , State and federal agencies and various private quasi publics in longterm care industry are some of the discreet elements in that Economic Engine

The county: the fifth largest geographically east of the Mississippi has ONLY 106,000 population so these cited economic engines are the major drivers in the region coupled with tourism and student spending in the region..

industrial parks exist in the 4 major population ceneters here , most were incubated by the technology and business initiatives of the 4 colleges , others are US distribution/ small assembly centers for Canadian enterprises
Do they still have the Kraft cheese plant in Canton?
A roommate's Dad worked there.
The Upstate has good cheese.
The dead end Upstate economy is real thing. I traveled all over Upstate for work for 45 years, and the general deterioration of the whole place in that time (with some exceptions like Saratoga Springs) is depressing.
OTOH I was in Brooklyn last week, and I was amazed at how much better it was than even last year. Every time I go to the City since about 1990 it's better than the last time.
The difference in wealth between Upstate and Downstate is incredible.
