The Definitive Solution to the Upstate NY Question

And neighbors know each other and many actually like each other and help one another ,and peeps sit out on their front porches or back decks and interact
Probably more upstaters live in rust belt dead economy former factory towns than in bucolic pristine country villages but I get the point. There are some nice spots up there
And neighbors know each other and many actually like each other and help one another ,and peeps sit out on their front porches or back decks and interact
WTF? Who has a front porch anymore?
Upstate is where people want to live in giant houses on 5 acre lots and never go out to socialize because DWI.
I think you are projecting some typical Upstate misanthropy onto downstaters.

Probably more upstaters live in rust belt dead economy former factory towns than in bucolic pristine country villages but I get the point. There are some nice spots up there
All those dead economy towns are among the least friendly places anywhere. Everyone is bitter about newcomers "stealing our jobs."
