The Definitive Solution to the Upstate NY Question

Dang Upstate is trying to blow some experimental weaponry into Big Church Mountain.
But running those smelly snowmobiles in the trees are a problem. WTF.

Near a former Atlas F nuclear missile silo in Lewis, a national security consulting firm wants to fire military cannons into a pile of sand and use privately owned Big Church Mountain as a backstop.

First of all, this thread belongs right here. Let’s not get all moderator’y about it. Now I have spent (wasted) a lot of time pondering this. I’ve listened to a lot of different points of view and as far as I can tell, the line between upstate and downstate goes from the western border of Rockland County, along the eastern/southern edge of Harriman/Bear Mountain Parks, across the Bear Mountain Mountain Bridge, south of Camp Smith, northern border of Peekskill to the Taconic and then along Route 6 until it bears north and more or less east from there to the CT border. Or thereabouts.
When I was a kid in the sixties upstate was anyplace North of Yonkers