Tales from The Road

Holy crap, Harv, you were lucky. Tales of the road disasters:

1. On I-91 in VT, driving to Craftsbury many years ago. There was slushy wet snow on the road. Pickup truck goes by me, through a particularly huge puddle, and he splashed slush and stuff totally obscuring my windshield. When the wipers cleared, the guy was sideways in front of me.
On the way up to Gore last year on Rt 8, a logging truck was coming the other way. As the truck comes nearer I see it hit a Big black bird which proceeded to land on the hood/windshield. Bird poo and blood was washed away with the wipers and wash pump as best I could. Pulled into the lot at Gore and as discreetly as possible used some snow to clean off the rest of the remains. Skiing was good.
Haha, soon enough we'll see if I can ride out the bill for the repairs.

I just got a text from my guy Al:

"Somebody is watching over you bud. The wheel looks damage free. (We'll know for sure when I balance it.) MY COST on a new rim is $707! Have 4 tires on the way. I'm putting it on the lift and will check the electronics etc."

WOW! I'd say Al is spot on. Can't believe that wheel isn't trashed!! Good for you Harv (y)
What kind of tire was it? Any specific cause, e.g. defect or hit a box of nails?

Man, you've had an interesting last few weeks. Glad you're on this side of the grass.
I don't know if I hit something metal or just the ice packing up in my wheel wells shredded the tire. Full disclosure @Scottski63 has told me several times I was on borrowed time with those tires. They weren't showing wear bars or anything, probably good enough for another 10k in summer, but obv not great in deep snow. I did spend all day Monday trying to find new rubber but the storm shut it all down. Yeah, I know, a day late and a dollar short.
"Somebody is watching over you bud. The wheel looks damage free. (We'll know for sure when I balance it.) MY COST on a new rim is $707! Have 4 tires on the way. I'm putting it on the lift and will check the electronics etc."
$140 x 4 tires HSB and I am back on the road.

When the fourth wheel was properly set up all the systems checked out and all the lights on the dash went out!