Tales from The Road

I have no left rear wheel
This actually happened to me when I was in high school ... sort of ... We were on a school ski club trip to Killington during President's week. While we were there, there was a massive storm over a 2-3 day period ... If I remember correctly, it was almost 3' of snow. We were staying in White River Junction, VT, which was about an hour drive to Killington. One morning, on the way to the mountain, there was an accident on the road and the police directed our bus driver to go around the accident on the right shoulder. All of a sudden, the whole bus started to tip over ... there was a gully on the side of the road that the bus went into. Fortunately, it didn't tip completely over, but they weren't able to get the door of the bus open to get us out ... it was pinned against the ground. They were going to evacuate us through the roof hatches, but they were able to dig out the ground enough to get the door open wide enough for us to squeeze through. They had to bring in a big rig tow truck to pull the bus out.

The next day, on the way to the mountain again, we made a right turn and suddenly you heard someone from the back of the bus scream. The right wheels on the right side of the bus had both broken off and were rolling past us!!! One of them hit a parked car and beat the hell out of it!

Needless to say, we had to wait for a replacement bus to come and get us for the rest of the trip!
That..is an oh shit moment. Actuaaly happened to me on Easter Sunday on Hempstead tpk when I was 19 i think...saw a big tire go rolling past me..then spun out..got a big applause from the bar across the street. My GTO was a fun car.
good thing your ok...
Glad you’re OK. They fix cars. Stay safe. Wish I could help. Let me know if ya need help.
Holy fuck!
Then there is a huge noise
I pull off at the first exit but it's like 2 miles
I look under to see if my muffler is fucked
I have no left rear wheel.
Took a deer hunting trip with my father to go with relatives where the folks are from. I got all A’s so they let me out of school for a week. Night before opening day at dusk down a western Pennsylvania mountain road after scouting for deer I see the right rear wheel going past us rolling along. Dad stopped the jeep. Axle broke. Uncle and him got flashlight out to get help, while I waited in the jeep. A long time later I see lights coming. It’s a big ass tow truck. We made it back to town. The folks had the jeep fixed before we hunted and we're back in the woods before light in the morning.
Getter fixed.
Was that still attached? I got the impression the wheel had separated from the vehicle. Did you get the spare on?
Yea it was attached. I should have said tire, not wheel.

Holy crap I am one lucky hombre.

When I saw the tire, I pulled the car out of the way, away from the pumps, and tried to bust the nuts loose. One of the gas station guys helped me.

Every light on the dash is on. Systems I never knew I had:

{System Name} Problem...
{System Name} Problem...
{System Name} Problem...
{System Name} Problem...
No I am home. Not sure I am skiing this weekend tho, unless I can get my car fixed.