Sweet Cars and Trucks

Seen at Palazzone 1960 today. Unsure of the year. '62, '63? Complete with millennial anti theft device.






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Is that some trailer queen replica of something that never existed with a bunch of mods that were never seen back in the day? I don't get the attraction. I'd rather have a real Austin Healey or even a Miata track car.

That vehicle is perfect for this place:
That vehicle is perfect for this place:
I'm not much interested in track cars that aren't built to an actual competition rule, which is what that Cobra looks like to me.

In other news, I was in a Corvette shop in Florida a few weeks ago and the owner showed me a split window Corvette with an entire new chassis and modern motor. The thing was beautiful inside out top to bottom. According to the shop owner, they started with a complete drivable numbers matching car from Barret Jackson. IIRC she told me they had $300K in the car, and it appraised for $400k. I was shocked that anyone would mess with a numbers matching car, and even more shocked that you could make money doing it. Apparently I don't understand the collector car market at ll.

Is that some trailer queen replica of something that never existed with a bunch of mods that were never seen back in the day? I don't get the attraction. I'd rather have a real Austin Healey or even a Miata track car.

It's totally badassary

Don't care what anyone else says....LoL