Sweet Cars and Trucks

Completely unrelated, but here's Rheinhardt, the shooting brake I refer to in blog posts. Dieselgate Jetta. Wonderful to drive until the DPF light goes off. Dealership just replaced the entire emissions system under warranty. Diesel particulate filter, EGR, catalytic converters, the whole 9 yards.

I'm not too surprised by that price. It confirms my belief that prices peak when cars are 40 years old. That's when you have enough money to buy the car you wanted when you were 14 years old.

Some truth to that
A 2019 Ford GT, 500K new, sold for 1.4m
Point is, or so my take, is it has to do more with rarity. I watched that 82 Jeep and there were only 2 guys on it, both had to have it and thus the sale price. There aren't any of those things around especially in near mint condition.