Sugar Season

Everyone bitches about how expensive top-shelf syrup is; however, visit a place or person who make it and you realise the amount of work that's involved.
I have no problem paying
It is one time consuming laborious process
Everyone bitches about how expensive top-shelf syrup is; however, visit a place or person who make it and you realise the amount of work that's involved.
Or spend a few days in the woods helping to tap trees or gather buckets. North Country School has all the kids help out, assuming the sap runs when they are around. A few older kids get to help do the boiling in the sugar house. Everyone gets to help stack wood. I learned a lot there.
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Everyone bitches about how expensive top-shelf syrup is; however, visit a place or person who make it and you realise the amount of work that's involved.
My buddy, #14, is now fully automated. When he first started it was tons of work, now we sit around, drink beers, and toss in a few chunks of wood every now and then.
I'll grab a few pics this weekend.
I've done stove top sugaring and once helped a neighbor. The neighbor had a stove like Riptiz's inside a small shed. That was relaxing. The sweet smell of sap, warmth of the stove and calming bubbling sounds. I think you have to think of it as almost planning to take a nap.
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A few sweet pics from friends.

2x4 Phaneuf in Keene, NY

2x4 Homemade. Salvaged steam table over a 275 gallon home heating oil tank. Fishkill, NY.