Spring Weather 2022

What an epic upslope event last few days. Kicking myself for not getting after it but the waves have been great, the neoprene is out, and it’s hard to look back now. Friday should provide green rooms all day but damn, platty looked like white rooms were there for the taking early week.

Laz will txt me pics, just to prove to me I should be there. Like I don't know that.

He sent me this beauty yesterday. (Not sure if it was taken yesterday or Monday.)


and this...

snow depth

Could you imagine owning this place?!
Webcams look OK. I’m hoping the colder temps and possible snowfall helps. Belleayre looks like it might be the best bet in the Catskills, with some possible snow tonight and during the day Sunday. My other option is homebase Windham, which had really good conditions last weekend and Monday, but a lot of rain last night.
just looked at the cams
bell looked pretty awful, lots of mud mixed in...Hunter looked the best..last nights monsoon did a number..