Spring Weather 2022

Hoping to get spring turns at Killy next weekend. If this storm pans out, could open a lot up if you ski day of the storm or right after. Last year when Killy got the late season storm of 12 ish cement I was skiing lower ovation, double dipper, north star, vagabond, east fall, and many others that were down to dirt before it hit and the slop covered it all up. Was probably best 3 days of skiing K all around conditions wise I've had
On Friday I was drinking a beer and bbq ing on my deck
F this weather!!
That said
It’s done after this system
6 - 10 for the valley
Hopefully this is the last of it?? Jason???~!!

You guys are wheelhouse! This thing is drifting west.

Plattekill down to 8" on NWS. Could still squeeze 12 up top with the meeker hollow effect?

Wonderpony's nordic adventure on the front page?
12z taking a stroll back east again, looks like you boys are in for some serious slop up there in the valleys