Song Conditions

Pitter patter lets get atter.
That some good coverage there
Skied 1/4 after 9 till 2:30 or so.
Sun came out for a couple runs and was out big time when we stopped.
Fun day, upper 20s to start, peelable early and trenchable later. No complaints and lots of smiles.
No wind unless it was gravity induced.
I "hit" it yesterday. Some interesting conditions. An inch or two of the wettest snow on earth, take that Utah. I'm a tail slider so when conditions don't allow that, it takes a few runs to adjust. The first few were exhausting, but after that got comfortable not trying to fight it. It actually skied better after it got skied up a bit. I'd regretted not bringing my wax. I'd been rubbing some on just before skiing lately. Not sure it would've helped, but the unskied sections were like sandpaper.

I stuck, literally, to the trail under the chair, and the one next to it for my first six runs or so, then I ventured over to Otto's. It was a bit of an adventure getting to it. Most people were walking to it, but if you didn't mind the possibility of scratching your bases, it was possible to keep your skis on. I found it better to ski the leaves on the edge of the trail in the thin spots than staying on the trail as it is essentially a dirt road. It was worth the effort. It was by far the best snow on the hill. It is considerably steeper than the other two trails too. I was able to comfortably ski it with my tail sliding style, and the surface remained mostly untouched, probably due to the effort required to get to it. My last three runs were on Otto's.

All in all, it is was a pretty fun day. It snowed/rained most of the time. I was pretty soaked when I called it a day at around 12:30. Well worth the $29.



I "hit" it yesterday. Some interesting conditions. An inch or two of the wettest snow on earth, take that Utah. I'm a tail slider so when conditions don't allow that, it takes a few runs to adjust. The first few were exhausting, but after that got comfortable not trying to fight it. It actually skied better after it got skied up a bit. I'd regretted not bringing my wax. I'd been rubbing some on just before skiing lately. Not sure it would've helped, but the unskied sections were like sandpaper.

I stuck, literally, to the trail under the chair, and the one next to it for my first six runs or so, then I ventured over to Otto's. It was a bit of an adventure getting to it. Most people were walking to it, but if you didn't mind the possibility of scratching your bases, it was possible to keep your skis on. I found it better to ski the leaves on the edge of the trail in the thin spots than staying on the trail as it is essentially a dirt road. It was worth the effort. It was by far the best snow on the hill. It is considerably steeper than the other two trails too. I was able to comfortably ski it with my tail sliding style, and the surface remained mostly untouched, probably due to the effort required to get to it. My last three runs were on Otto's.

All in all, it is was a pretty fun day. It snowed/rained most of the time. I was pretty soaked when I called it a day at around 12:30. Well worth the $29.
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Otto'sView attachment 14512View attachment 14513
If the Diamond Cutter rotated it takes the snow-dirt-leaf road out of play.
Maybe someday.
It’s the side most shaded side from the afternoon's rays too when the sun ever comes out.
Otto’s is still a nice downhill dogleg left.

Might even get some roll. Just avoid the traps.
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