Skiology... What's your take?

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Seems like he's in a bit of trouble...

Upon further investigation, the plaintiff is the similarly named ski shop on the Killington access road.

I missed the trademark case. Where did you find that @snoloco?

Let's face it, Skiology, and the NYSB Weather Center, are primarily for flatlanders who need to make decisions. If you are local, you go to the mountain, and if it sucks, or the lifts are on hold, you go home. If a forecast is marginal and it ends up snowing you make some calls and change your plans. Or you just make all your appointments for the afternoon.

With a little effort you can use the NYSB weather center to make those calls, except maybe for wind holds. (@jasonwx or anyone, if you can help me add resources for wind hold prediction to the weather center I would really appreciate it.)

Personally, I'm so busy at work that it is hard to keep up and I appreciate a heads up on potential. But Skiology is too much drama. I'd love to see him go to a daily EMAIL that highlights potential, that would eliminate 100% of the drama. He may actually thrive on it. Otherwise why would it continue?

I've had people take some shots at me over the last 15 years, and have kept it to a minimum by largely ignoring it. I've banned less than 5 here in all that time. He's a bright guy, he could do that too.

I should point out that you all are also a huge help with keeping things positive. Basically it seems like we all want the same thing, good snow and to have a little fun. I think it has become obvious that it is hard to fit in here as troll.
Right! We've got @jasonwx to tell us for free that any upcoming storm will: a) be a no-show, b) severely underperform, or c) come in as all rain and be followed by a hard freeze.
the truth hurts. some day he will tell us its game on, don't snooze.
This is the part that really stood out to me.

holy crap
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