Ski Bowl 3.0 at Gore

The only part of the whole project I have any interest in at all is the backcountry gate proposed at the summit. Is that still gonna happen?
If the gate is at the top of the Hudson Chair I assume it has to include some uphill. 👌
If the gate is at the top of the Hudson Chair I assume it has to include some uphill. 👌
I think the part of the reason for going to the top with the new lift was to eliminate the uphill. That would have been a sweet deal for you.

Why me?

I think the uphill could be good.

I've done it once or twice, I don't recall it being too much. How much vert is it?
It’s a serious screwup to change the position of the lift after the towers are fabricated, or even after the design work is done. Also, the route has to be part of an approved UMP. Those are the kind of things that make contractors call their lawyers. There must have been some serious reason to change it so late in the process.

Well, as I said in my previous post, the towers do not have to be changed, there will be 2 less, and a shortened cable. The liftline was already approved becausde it's in the same location. And, most important, is the fact that ORDA being a State Authority, does not come under the same restrictions that private enterprise does when making design changes, and inspections. ;) :unsure:

"The only part of the whole project I have any interest in at all is the backcountry gate proposed at the summit. Is that still gonna happen?"

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They should have put the zippy thingy from the Saddle to the base. That way we could ride it in the spring when the lower mountain becomes unskiable, instead of downloading the quad or gondola. They wouldn’t have to disrupt any tree skiing either.

As has been stated multiple times already, the zipline is not approved with the current UMP in an intensive use area for Gore. Skiing, hiking and Biking only. Same applied for WF as they wanted their zipline to located on Little WF, but had to move it to the ski jumps to be on Ton of North Elba property, which is the same thing here with the Town of Johnsburg property.
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If the gate is at the top of the Hudson Chair I assume it has to include some uphill. 👌
There has always been a way to ski off the backside. Getting to the Rabbit Pond trail and The Raymond Brook trail was pretty easily accessible from a quick right turn off the very beginning of Peaceful Valley just beyond the top of the lift. Patrol just likes to be notified.
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Maybe the Ski Bowl can get some earlier snowmaking ♥️ with the money saved if they can the zippy thingy🍺.

ORDA's resolution for Hudson replacement went up for Resolution # 457 by $681,000.00 to a total of $9,442,520.00.

See Resolution # 506 passed last June.

Doesn’t make much sense to spend mega millions without snowmaking to support skiing.
After all it is the Ski Bowl not the Zippy Bowl.
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Maybe the Ski Bowl can get some earlier snowmaking ♥️ with the money saved if they can the zippy thingy🍺.

ORDA's resolution for Hudson replacement went up for Resolution # 457 by $681,000.00 to a total of $9,442,520.00.

See Resolution # 506 passed last June.
The Ski Bowl will not have snowmaking started on the trails until the interconnect is ready to go each year (this does not apply to the XC trails nor the Village Chair and slope). They will not operate the Ski Bowl trails (46'r, Moxham, Oak Rodge and Peaceful Valley) as a stand alone resort.
The Ski Bowl will not have snowmaking started on the trails until the interconnect is ready to go each year (this does not apply to the XC trails nor the Village Chair and slope). They will not operate the Ski Bowl trails (46'r, Moxham, Oak Rodge and Peaceful Valley) as a stand alone resort.
Hopefully it can be connected earlier (before Christmas) with the cash saved.
Gonna have a shiny new lodge & lift.
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