Ski Bowl 3.0 at Gore

Sno…..I was working at Gore and living in the area at the time. You were probably in diapers. By 2003 the Ski Bowl was not a lift served ski area. I did see a bluegrass concert and a traveling circus there though in that era.
Ya might get yer chance for a blue grass concert again in an amphitheater but haven’t a clue about yer chances for a dang traveling circus.

From the Town Board’s minutes.
See Phase 4.

So, as typical with ORDA, the plans for the new detachable quad have changed. As I had previously said, the new lift was going to go to the actual "summit'"of the ski bowl with a slight angular change to the right as you look up at the lift line, and this was due to the zippy coaster having to be located on the Town of Johnsburg land and not on State land because the UMP for Gore does not include towers to be used for a zippy thing, only skiing and biking.

Well, scratch that!

The new lift is going to be in the same location as the old one, and now the cable is going to have to be shortened, and who knows what will happen regarding the zippy thing. A few years ago, there was test drilling occurring over the summer for the towers for the zippy thing, and I spoke with the guy from Atlantic Testing Labratories, and he said the towers were definitely going to be "in the way" of the ski trails and the glades. So here's hoping for a swing and miss on the zippy thing ;)
You can't just change a lift alignment at the last minute. The entire profile needs to be redesigned. Either the lift was ordered with the intention that it run on the same route as the triple, or there are going to be massive delays if they only just now decided to move it.
You can't just change a lift alignment at the last minute. The entire profile needs to be redesigned. Either the lift was ordered with the intention that it run on the same route as the triple, or there are going to be massive delays if they only just now decided to move it.
Well, it is what it is. The lift was ordered over 3 years ago, and was literally sitting in Grand Junction, Colorado waiting to be shipped here, as it was supposed to be installed 2 years ago. According to the guys doing the installation it isn't a huge deal, and obviously much easier to make shorter than longer.
The decision to change it was a last minute move by MP before he retired last Fall. It was obviously not something that was made public, as the apparent reasoning for the change was, as ORDA loves, a secret. 🤷‍♂️ ;)
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It’s a serious screwup to change the position of the lift after the towers are fabricated, or even after the design work is done. Also, the route has to be part of an approved UMP. Those are the kind of things that make contractors call their lawyers. There must have been some serious reason to change it so late in the process.

The only part of the whole project I have any interest in at all is the backcountry gate proposed at the summit. Is that still gonna happen?

They should have put the zippy thingy from the Saddle to the base. That way we could ride it in the spring when the lower mountain becomes unskiable, instead of downloading the quad or gondola. They wouldn’t have to disrupt any tree skiing either.
