Not really.
I love Gore, but one thing that is frustrating is if you show up with something other than a charged RFID, it's pretty much impossible to make first chair. One time I skied at Gore with
@Scottski63 it was a powder day, and he had to visit the ticket window which opens at 8:30, also the time for first chair. I got in line for him, first at 8am, and the woman kept telling me not to stand there because they didn't open until 8:30. I stayed anyway. When she opened at 8:30 the line behind me was huge, probably 45 minutes. Also sometimes the Gondi goes early, before 8am. I am a first chair guy.
Plattekill, not sure, but I think they don't honor sany on a powder day. None this year and only one last year, but last year's day was the best of the season, and probably in my top 5 all time.
I like having my passes for the ease, and during covid - no reservations. With the passes I have, my options are open all week to watch the weather and make a last minute call, Adk, Cats, Central NY or VT. Also important in this case Sany is a sponsor. I only presented it twice this year. At Greek Peak the ticket woman had no idea what she was looking at, and honored it anyway. I thought that was cool.