Season Passes

May have been covered, so my apologies in advance. But the $499 Gore 22/23 midweek pass seems like a really solid investment to me. I don't ski weekends or holidays and it's about an hour from my house. Am I missing something here?
May have been covered, so my apologies in advance. But the $499 Gore 22/23 midweek pass seems like a really solid investment to me. I don't ski weekends or holidays and it's about an hour from my house. Am I missing something here?
Go for it.
Did the M-F pass 18-19 & 19-20 ski seasons.
A free buddy pass and a lesson were included. There were discounts for food and retail too.
Yer much closer and the pass paid for itself easily.
The early shutdown in 2020 sucked.
Weekdays at Gore are fun.
Found this roundtable discussion interesting.
Jay Peak, Indy, ABasin and Wintrymix folks shoot the bull.
Will be renewing my season pass for Mt van Ho. Season pass prices aren't available yet for Gore Nordic.
Indy Pass
Indy Pass
Hey Harvey, I'm curious... is there a need for the other NY passes when you have the SANY Gold Pass?

I thought those were good everyday anywhere in NY. Asking because I can't say I haven't dreamt about having one...
Not really.

I love Gore, but one thing that is frustrating is if you show up with something other than a charged RFID, it's pretty much impossible to make first chair. One time I skied at Gore with @Scottski63 it was a powder day, and he had to visit the ticket window which opens at 8:30, also the time for first chair. I got in line for him, first at 8am, and the woman kept telling me not to stand there because they didn't open until 8:30. I stayed anyway. When she opened at 8:30 the line behind me was huge, probably 45 minutes. Also sometimes the Gondi goes early, before 8am. I am a first chair guy.

Plattekill, not sure, but I think they don't honor sany on a powder day. None this year and only one last year, but last year's day was the best of the season, and probably in my top 5 all time.

I like having my passes for the ease, and during covid - no reservations. With the passes I have, my options are open all week to watch the weather and make a last minute call, Adk, Cats, Central NY or VT. Also important in this case Sany is a sponsor. I only presented it twice this year. At Greek Peak the ticket woman had no idea what she was looking at, and honored it anyway. I thought that was cool.
For those that bought ORDA's SKI3: what's the discount compared to a pass for an individual mountain? ORDA is offering a combined Gore Nordic Center /Mt van Ho season pass for $344.00. Looks like a $10.00 discount. And oddly enough, only on the Gore Nordic Center web site.