Sailplanes and Glider Flying

I'm thinking this fellow went IMC and flew out of the cloud at an incredible altitude ? Would love to know the back story.
Wow, I’ve heard stories of guys getting sucked up and iced out but never saw it. They say it’s bumpy, cold and nerve-racking. That’s gotta be wild to pop out that high. Next level.
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Lot’s of crossover sports these days
Crossover and combo? Pretty cool fly ski fly back home.
Gotta love those Frenchies. Those guys rip! Speed flying was just getting going when I got out of the sport. I miss the beauty but not the danger. Cool video. Thanks for posting it.
Gotta love those Frenchies. Those guys rip! Speed flying was just getting going when I got out of the sport. I miss the beauty but not the danger. Cool video. Thanks for posting it.
Speed flying…. Just one notch above wing suits danger wise , much respect but doing the barrel rolls….. I wince when I see that close terrain stuff.
Gotta love those Frenchies. Those guys rip! Speed flying was just getting going when I got out of the sport. I miss the beauty but not the danger. Cool video. Thanks for posting it.
Yeah they are wonderful until you need them to cover your back. Then they are just Frenchies.
Yeah they are wonderful until you need them to cover your back. Then they are just Frenchies.
That stereotype may be well earned and so is the one of the Ugly American. I spent three Winters in the French Alps. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the people I met while living there.
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