Sailplanes and Glider Flying

Doesn’t look like they get much snow on the slopes in the winter around there.
Folks ski in Chile when it’s summer here.
Do ya ride the road at the end cause it’s hotter uplifting air?
Wow, that’s too cool. The speed is amazing. I used to fly a paraglider which is like a moped compared to a crotch rocket.
27:27 through the roof
There’s a lot o
Watching the water when sailing helps to spot gusts coming.
Is there stuff to watch for when looking for winds going up?
Amazing video

There are a lot of indicators. Wind blowing perpendicular to a ridge.Dust devils ,Soaring birds ,Hawks , Eagles. But Turkey Vultures are not to be trusted Lol ! They eat dead animals and have a vested interest in your demise Lol.
I was once lured away by a gaggle. I had a weak thermal but got greedy. I ended up landing in a field close by and the Vultures landed in a tree about 100’ away.

Cloud shadows moving across the ground act like mini cold fronts and help trigger thermals.
Higher up cumulus clouds are helpful but it takes some experience to learn how to read them. Some are dying out and some are just starting to build.
Wave soaring like in the video can involve lenticular clouds that indicate a mountain wave . Pretty involved subject , google mountain wave soaring.

Certain areas produce thermals consistently and locals call them “House Thermals “
Was gonna ask ya about watchin for birds.
Dang vultures. They gotta eat too though.

Some hills/mountains are more fun and reliable than others, kinda like skiing.
Gonna check out mountain wave soaring.