Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

If the number were 250k would you? I would not knowing nothing.

I stand by my original statement:

If you knew how much I wouldn't sell it for, you might try to have me committed.

I couldn't handle the (legit) $hit I you guys would heap on me.

There are things you just wouldn't sell. At least I wouldn't. Like our land in the Adk. My family. And yea this blog.

I've learned so much doing it. Beyond writing and taking pictures. GMs talk to me, and teach me about Mtn Ops and the challenges they face. I like that.

Even bigger, I feel like it has helped me understand the POV of locals. I hope to be one someday.
I stand by my original statement:

I couldn't handle the (legit) $hit I you guys would heap on me.

There are things you just wouldn't sell. At least I wouldn't. Like our land in the Adk. My family. And yea this blog.

I've learned so much doing it. Beyond writing and taking pictures. GMs talk to me, and teach me about Mtn Ops and the challenges they face. I like that.

Even bigger, I feel like it has helped me understand the POV of locals.
500k? lol. Good for you
There are things you just wouldn't sell. At least I wouldn't. Like our land in the Adk. My family. And yea this blog.

I've learned so much doing it. Beyond writing and taking pictures. GMs talk to me, and teach me about Mtn Ops and the challenges they face. I like that.

Even bigger, I feel like it has helped me understand the POV of locals. I hope to be one someday.

I wouldn't be upset if you made the decision to sell. It makes sense for the right price.

In 2023, the founder of TheSkiDiva sold to a long time Diva. Age was a factor. She'd been paying close attention to TSD for over 15 years.

@Harvey : given that you are still planning for your retirement, I hope you keep doing what you do for NYSkiBlog for at least another decade or two. I learn a LOT from this community . . . and not just about ski related topics.
I'll do it as long as I can as long it's fun.

If it's still a relevant format, I would certainly pass it on to the right person if they wanted it.

That estimate of $2000 is probably a fair estimate of value based on pageviews and ad revenue.

I could certainly make more money if the ads were more interuptive.

I'm sure Diva was worth a lot more.

TSD and NYSB have one thing in common, an underserved market.

TSD is actually a brilliant idea.
I wouldn't be upset if you made the decision to sell. It makes sense for the right price.
I have a hard time imagining someone else (who bought it for business reasons) staying true to the purpose.

I guess if I'm dead I shouldn't care, but I do.
It is your property, but that doesn't mean there is an economic price you would sell it for. And, I think that is rational.

The flip side is true, if you want to sell it, that is not anyone else's issue (of course people have the 'right' to complain).