

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
Can't remember but there may have been a dedicated thread in the old forum. I originally posted about them on the blog front page 11 years ago and I see that Sick Bird Rider has a Facebook discussion; however, I believe that you have to be from Ontario to join the conversation.

I picked a couple pounds on Sunday and prepared some of them last night/only the leaves:

With shiitake mushrooms, a dusting of parmesan, over roasted polenta:

Here's a helpful summary for the uninitiated:
Can't remember but there may have been a dedicated thread in the old forum. I originally posted about them on the blog front page 11 years ago and I see that Sick Bird Rider has a Facebook discussion; however, I believe that you have to be from Ontario to join the conversation.

Good thread, James. Wild leek (AKA ramp) seasn is in full swing up here, though we are having a bit of a cold snap that likely won't be good for the leaves. Our house currently smells like leek, since Blue Toes has been out picking leaves and is in full dehydrating mode. Snip into small strips, dehydrate till dry, crush and store. We enjoy leek flavour all year round. I'll post some pics later. She also makes a sort-of pesto and freezes that in dedicated ice cube trays. Good in a soup base.

Regarding the FB post, there are people from all over commenting on it, including the USA. Feel free to chime in.
Snip into small strips, dehydrate till dry, crush and store. We enjoy leek flavour all year round. I'll post some pics later. She also makes a sort-of pesto and freezes that in dedicated ice cube trays. Good in a soup base.
I remember you mentioning the pesto treatment before but never thought to do something as simple as dehydrating them for use throughout the year.
Damn..thought this would be about ramps..running a bike at the track..you need ramps..good ramps..these..are not ..that kind..of ramps.
oh well...
At fancy restaurants I love how all the food is named, ingredients etc...not that I really go to them all that much..but the trend is getting bigger. Guess you need to know where everything comes from..and if it has a name..well..then its better.
Damn..thought this would be about ramps..running a bike at the track..you need ramps..good ramps..these..are not ..that kind..of ramps.
oh well...
lol and I was thinking about how much I liked my old Ramp Woodpeckers and that they were my favorite skis ever before I got my Head Kore 93's.