Quality Gloves for Skiing

I have been using Marmot Randonnee gloves for years. OR has a verson like this also. My hands are usually warm so the gortex somewhat controls the moisture. They are usually around $50-$60. I usually buy a pair every 3 years or so and use the older pair for warmer days or as a backup. They never get holes or rip. The insulation compresses and wears out after about 2-3 seasons.

Been using a glove from Cabellas.. Held up great
Don't waste your money on anything other than Hestra if you are truly looking to make an investment. I am 10 years into a pair of boarder Ski Cross Mittens. I fully expect to keep them for at least another 5 years.
Huge Free the Powder fan. Very high quality, not stiff at all like I found the Kinco’s to be, easy to change out a warmer insert. Hestra is probably the gold standard, but can pick up 2 pairs of these for the same price. Went with strictly gloves last year, switched over to the mittens for this year. They definitely run a little hotter so anything above 30F I go back to the glove.
Huge Free the Powder fan. Very high quality, not stiff at all like I found the Kinco’s to be, easy to change out a warmer insert. Hestra is probably the gold standard, but can pick up 2 pairs of these for the same price. Went with strictly gloves last year, switched over to the mittens for this year. They definitely run a little hotter so anything above 30F I go back to the glove.
Yep. If you don't seal up those Kincos they'll get stiff.