Poll: What changes would you like to see at your home mountain?

What changes would you like to see at your home mountain?

  • More skier visits

  • Less skier visits

  • Skier visits stay about the same

  • Day ticket prices rise

  • Day ticket prices fall

  • Day ticket prices stay about the same

  • Join a mega-pass (Epic or Ikon)

  • Withdraw or refrain from a mega-pass (Epic or Ikon)

  • Join a "frequency product" like Indy

  • Withdraw from a "frequency product" like Indy

  • Install high speed lifts everywhere

  • Install high speed lifts from the main/base lifts, fixed grip up top

  • No additional high speed lifts, maintain current lifts aggressively

  • Inclusive (higher) ticket prices to cover ancillaries: parking, bag check, first tracks etc

  • Unbundled pricing with separate fees to cover parking, bag check, first tracks etc

  • Slopeside lodging added or expanded

  • Slopeside lodging prohibited or removed

  • Uphill traffic allowed or expanded (modest fee)

  • Uphill traffic prohibited or reduced

  • Addition of snowshoeing and/or nordic sports

  • Other changes not included in poll (please detail below)

  • No changes, I like my mountain the way it is.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Also, sausage tortellini soup every day.
This might be worth a demonstration in Protest Area H.

Could someone repost that pic? I think I'm going to be needing it, a lot, in the future.
Never. And I was skiing Gore long before you--when Cloud (before smoothing/blasting) was the only* way off the summit.

* or Tannery all the way to the base
I skied it in the 90s.
I'm pretty sure before the "new gondola" cloud was the only way down, right?
I'm pretty sure before the "new gondola" cloud was the only way down, right?
In practice: yes, but Tannery used to extend all the way down past the (then non-existent) Topridge Chair to the base. I only took it once. It was a lot like the old Juggernaut at Killington. Lots of skating. Twister used to be much, much narrower--like Quicksilver is now.
In practice: yes, but Tannery used to extend all the way down past the (then non-existent) Topridge Chair to the base. I only took it once. It was a lot like the old Juggernaut at Killington. Lots of skating. Twister used to be much, much narrower--like Quicksilver is now.
I did it too.

One time the rope was down on Uncas at the end of the day. I skied down, no lift when i got there, just the rope down on Tannery.
The gondola has enough capacity, serves the same terrain plus better summit access, and is a more comfortable ride.
The gondola shoulda went to the top like the redheaded one did.
It’s a pain in the ass to take yer skis off and on a bunch of times.
Just bundle up on AE2 and yer good to go. It’s a winter sport. That thingy
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