Poll: What changes would you like to see at your home mountain?

What changes would you like to see at your home mountain?

  • More skier visits

  • Less skier visits

  • Skier visits stay about the same

  • Day ticket prices rise

  • Day ticket prices fall

  • Day ticket prices stay about the same

  • Join a mega-pass (Epic or Ikon)

  • Withdraw or refrain from a mega-pass (Epic or Ikon)

  • Join a "frequency product" like Indy

  • Withdraw from a "frequency product" like Indy

  • Install high speed lifts everywhere

  • Install high speed lifts from the main/base lifts, fixed grip up top

  • No additional high speed lifts, maintain current lifts aggressively

  • Inclusive (higher) ticket prices to cover ancillaries: parking, bag check, first tracks etc

  • Unbundled pricing with separate fees to cover parking, bag check, first tracks etc

  • Slopeside lodging added or expanded

  • Slopeside lodging prohibited or removed

  • Uphill traffic allowed or expanded (modest fee)

  • Uphill traffic prohibited or reduced

  • Addition of snowshoeing and/or nordic sports

  • Other changes not included in poll (please detail below)

  • No changes, I like my mountain the way it is.

Results are only viewable after voting.
If Gore decides to run only one of the two lifts from the base area, then it's going to be the gondola every time. I'm not sure why @Milo Maltbie is so obsessed with closing it.
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2. I'd like the staff to stop telling me where I can and can't park as well as not allowing me to drive a FWD car up the road when I'm completely fine doing so.
Is there an official requirement for 4×4? FWD + snow tires should be more than adequate in most situations.
If Gore decides to run only one of the two lifts from the base area, then it's going to be the gondola every time.
In the past few years they’ve almost always run two lifts from the base. Apparently they either want to provide easy access to the Saddle or they think they need an open air lift in addition to the gondola. If only 2 lifts run, and AE2 has to be one of them, which would you shut down, the gondola or the High Peaks? They often shut down the HP.

In the past few years they’ve almost always run two lifts from the base. Apparently they either want to provide easy access to the Saddle or they think they need an open air lift in addition to the gondola. If only 2 lifts run, and AE2 has to be one of them, which would you shut down, the gondola or the High Peaks? They often shut down the HP.

They don't need the Adirondack Express on most weekdays, and they didn't run it on weekdays earlier this year. The gondola has enough capacity, serves the same terrain plus better summit access, and is a more comfortable ride. No resort in the east that has a gondola chooses not to run it on weekdays.

The days High Peaks wasn't open, it was due to lack of snow. It's open this week. Burnt Ridge isn't, but they are making snow on Echo and Gore typically closes trails with active snowmaking.
Revel in Ruby Run my son, embrace Gore and all it's Cloudy-ness.

Or just leave Gore to the rest of us, we love it!
There was always a pond up there they used for snowmaking. I think it is still there. After Hurricane Irene in 2011 (or another storm?), the region needed gravel/stone to repair damage from the storm. Laz offered the stone for free in an attempt to add to the water storage at the top of the mountain. It turned out the hole would not hold water and it is too expensive to line the hole.
Ah, I always wondered if they were hoping to tap into ground water, but the bedrock blocked them, or something.