Poll: What changes would you like to see at your home mountain?

What changes would you like to see at your home mountain?

  • More skier visits

  • Less skier visits

  • Skier visits stay about the same

  • Day ticket prices rise

  • Day ticket prices fall

  • Day ticket prices stay about the same

  • Join a mega-pass (Epic or Ikon)

  • Withdraw or refrain from a mega-pass (Epic or Ikon)

  • Join a "frequency product" like Indy

  • Withdraw from a "frequency product" like Indy

  • Install high speed lifts everywhere

  • Install high speed lifts from the main/base lifts, fixed grip up top

  • No additional high speed lifts, maintain current lifts aggressively

  • Inclusive (higher) ticket prices to cover ancillaries: parking, bag check, first tracks etc

  • Unbundled pricing with separate fees to cover parking, bag check, first tracks etc

  • Slopeside lodging added or expanded

  • Slopeside lodging prohibited or removed

  • Uphill traffic allowed or expanded (modest fee)

  • Uphill traffic prohibited or reduced

  • Addition of snowshoeing and/or nordic sports

  • Other changes not included in poll (please detail below)

  • No changes, I like my mountain the way it is.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Yup. In high school we voyaged in a friends green Camaro and the muffler fell off on route 8 after a pot hole.
Might’ve been 71 or 72 though. Twas a fun voyage.
Driver just threw the muffler in the trunk. His family owned a gas station-repair shop too.
After a yard sale on the steeps up top I just collected my stuff, slid on my ass between some iced over big rocks, till I could to get to a place where I could get back on with it. Cubco bindings & lace em up boots.
First time with friends playing in the big mountains.
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I really don't have a home mountain since joining Epic and Indy. It would probably have been Camelback before that so I will answer for there.

And honestly the main change is I'd like them to join Epic Ikon or Indy so I could ski my fav place within 2 hrs on a pass. If they joined Ikon (they are owned by an Alterra affiliate) I would switch to an Ikon pass. They already have enough high speed lifts, and slopeside lodging that I would never use living 1:40 away.
Greek Peak:

1. Despite recent upgrades, Greek needs far more snow making. Frequent winters like this have made it obvious that Greek needs to be able to cover all its ground and quickly -- like within 48 hours. This year Greek is having the weather of a Virginia resort I used to ski.... but that place has 100% snowmaking and the pumps can cover it all in 48 hours. As of today all these main trails are closed at Greek because there isn't enough snowmaking: Hercules, Electra, Olympian, Medusa, Arthusian Way, all the Glades, Zeus, Casper, Pollex, Atlas, and Epicurus.
2. Make snow on Casper early in the season and open Chair 2 simultaneously with Visions. Casper to base may be the longest and best novice trail in NY. When its open from top to bottom (using Chair 2) novices stay away from the Visions quad and lines on the Alpha bunny slope go away. Chair 2 serves some of Greek's best glade skiing as well.
3. Permanently fix, or better yet, get rid of, the loading track disaster at the bottom of the Visions chair. Snow and ice build up under it on busy times, making it jerk erratically, forcing mandatory clean out sessions. People are left hanging from the lift while this is done and the lines on old Chair 1 become intolerable, if its even running.
4. Put a line manager person on Visions to force people to quad up when it's busy -- nights, weekends, holidays. There are times when the line gets to 10 minutes, yet the chair isn't running even close to capacity.
5. Overhaul or replace all the chairs in the next 5 years. Chairs 1, 4 and 5 are now over 50 years old and their age shows in the number of problems they have. While Chair 2 looks like the oldest lift, it was overhauled 20 years ago, yet parts are still hard to get. I'd start with Chair 5 and Chair 2. They are awfully long rides and there is a huge amount of under utilized terrain under them. Two high speed detachables could go in there easily. Chair 4 could be easily upgraded to a regular quad, again there is a huge amount of under utilized terrain there as well.
I think I get demerits for bad poll design. When "not included" gets the most votes.

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"not included".....base lodge refresh. Not a do-over.....just a refresh to make it more welcoming and less "cafe-gym-atorium"
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"not included".....base lodge refresh. Not a do-over.....just a refresh to make it more welcoming and less "cafe-gym-atorium"
Yup, It’s institutional looking. There’s gotta be some Adirondack local craft-builder-artists ya could throw a bone too,