Poll: What changes would you like to see at your home mountain?

What changes would you like to see at your home mountain?

  • More skier visits

  • Less skier visits

  • Skier visits stay about the same

  • Day ticket prices rise

  • Day ticket prices fall

  • Day ticket prices stay about the same

  • Join a mega-pass (Epic or Ikon)

  • Withdraw or refrain from a mega-pass (Epic or Ikon)

  • Join a "frequency product" like Indy

  • Withdraw from a "frequency product" like Indy

  • Install high speed lifts everywhere

  • Install high speed lifts from the main/base lifts, fixed grip up top

  • No additional high speed lifts, maintain current lifts aggressively

  • Inclusive (higher) ticket prices to cover ancillaries: parking, bag check, first tracks etc

  • Unbundled pricing with separate fees to cover parking, bag check, first tracks etc

  • Slopeside lodging added or expanded

  • Slopeside lodging prohibited or removed

  • Uphill traffic allowed or expanded (modest fee)

  • Uphill traffic prohibited or reduced

  • Addition of snowshoeing and/or nordic sports

  • Other changes not included in poll (please detail below)

  • No changes, I like my mountain the way it is.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Some people don't want snowmaking to expand to more terrain in fear of it ruining the "soul" of the area. For example, ask a Sugarbush local if they want snowmaking on Castlerock and the answer will probably be no.

As for Ikon, I think Killington is fine the way it is as a partner. I would not want them going to unlimited Ikon. They'd be giving away unlimited access for a price far less than what they could actually charge for it. While they currently have one of the most expensive passes in the east, with the Beast 365, let's take a look at what that gets you.

-Unlimted, unrestricted access whenever the lifts are open, which can be up to 200 days a year and include days in 9 calendar months.
-One of the longest non-night skiing operating days, 8-4 every weekend, at no additional cost.
-Included Ikon Base pass.
-12 50% off coupons for friends with every pass.
-25% off food and drinks.
-Summer access at golf course, mountain bike park, and adventure center.
-A bunch of other perks and discounts, I included the ones I use most often.

The vast majority of resorts that struggle with overcrowding have unlimited access on a mega pass. Either they remove unlimited access, or implement other measures to reduce overcrowding such as paid parking, or mandatory reservations. I'd rather pay more up front and know that if the lifts are running, that I can ski, with no additional burdens or costs.

I also think if a resort is unlimited on a mega pass, that it reduces the sense of loyalty anyone has to that particular resort. Killington has a pretty large community of passholders, some of whom go more than 100 times a year and are recognized by management for it. I don't go that many times, but still 40+ days each year. They also hold a passholder appreciation event every spring to thank everyone for their loyalty. I'm not aware of any unlimited mega pass resort having anything like that.

I know my choices are mutually exclusive, fewer skier visits will not occur with reduced window rates. But I think current window rates EVERYWHERE are going to kill the industry. If we leave aside that climate change, no matter the cause, is destroying skiing as we watch, current window rates for the average family are not going to entice and grow the next generation of skiers. It's already a logistical hassle to even get to the mountain, then people are laying out major bucks - ticket, rentals, lunch, parking - for a few hours of getting cold, wet, and tired. Yes, yes, all of us get around these problems, but add it all up and it's easier and cheaper to go to a hatchet throwing venue.

Whitefish has relatively cheap tickets, but the price is still nuts.

I want fewer skier visits because the headcount has increased like 50% in about 3-4 years with no REAL terrain/acreage expansion, but more chairlifts. All it's doing is trashing the "out of the way" powder stashes and turning them into hard packed mogul runs. There's acreage within their permit area that is not being used. Certainly the extra lifts cost $, but they've reduced lines very little since lines were infrequent anyway, and it's just put the crowds on terrain that really was only worth doing BECAUSE of its underutilization.

We really don't need or have water rights to do more snowmaking.

We've got a substantial uphill population, to the extent you now have to buy a ticket to do it, it was free for decades. And now you have to stick to specific routes, before it was anywhere, but it got so that it became a huge safety issue.

I pray we don't become part of some mega-pass. It'll just bring in more visitors and for locals we'd have to fly somewhere to get any advantage. We're bursting at the seams already because of the prices charged elsewhere sending people here. The fog is not protecting us against the influx. All I can hope for is frigid weather which still winnows people out.

So, lot's of conflicting desires, all coming down to: "It used to be better."
If "home" mountain is the most visits then it would probably be Belle for me, but I'm voting as Platty.

Snowmaking is really the one and only thing they need more of. And yes I would pay 20% more for 30% more snowmaking
I have an Orda pass, my goal is to try to ski Gore at least 15 days a year. Last two years fell short. So I have hit Belleayre way more than I would like.
I like Gore the way it is. Please no mega pass. I can live with crowds on Holidays and some weekends, because revenue is needed.
My fav time of year is Spring skiing, so a lot of skiers moved on and crowds are not a problem.
Belleayre keeps the groomers of a lot of trails including blues. I wish Gore would copy that model a little more.
Every ski area in the NE has the same problem.Not enough natural snow!!
Even Killington doesn’t have enough snowmaking capacity for you? Sheesh
If you skied there more frequently, then you'd know what I'm talking about. Given the size of the mountain, they are underpowered on a GPM per acre basis.
I regard both Mt van Hoevenberg in LP and Prospect Mt in Woodford VT as home mountains. When I submitted answers, I was mainly thinking of van Ho. I'd like to see the Ho expand snowmaking onto the Flatlander trail system so tourists / youth skiers have more trail to choose from. That won't happen until the Ho gets an amendment to Article XIV of the state constitution.
Really none of the poll choices apply here. Yes, fewer skier visits would be nice, but that affects the bottom line and would probably lead to fewer infrastructure improvements.Snowmaking is close to state of the art and if it's not cold you can't make it.
There are few things I'd like to see:
Buddy passes-none available-be nice if out of state relatives visit.
Reduced 7-16 year old passes. My daughter has 4 kids and passes are big chunk of change.
Better e commerce on the website.

Yes, I'd like to see more trails and some official glades, but neither would do much good this year with limited snowmaking windows and almost no natural snow.

Lots of little quibbles, but to get a better experience,I'd have to go the Adirondacks or Catskills.