Plattekill Conditions

There is skiable snow


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Harvey....time you get some scoop here. If Platty gets 12-18 inches Wed night will they open early, either Thursday, Friday, or both? Find out what you can, report back, please! I could go for starting my season with a Powder Daize, probably even buy a season pass to do it!
I would recommend getting a pass.

I may change signature.

I think I've shared my ideas about price sensitivity in the 20/21 season. For some, you will see it go out the window. Speaking to Danielle today, she said she had seen none, no sensitivity. The people buying passes are people who want to ski. The pass deadline didn't even seem to matter.

They lost all of their weddings this summer except one. And the one that happened was called an "elopement" with the big part to come next year. The "good news" is all the cancelled weddings were reschedule for next year an they are basically sold old.

Opening day is a week from today. No one was talking about opening. Look at X's pic... "nothing to ski here."
From yesterday... we skied the manmade of Sundown, Shredded Moz and Upper Face.


Laz said he only had 6 or 8 hours on Upper Face and we'd probably have to so some jump turns. :)

At the top, the ridgeline trails like Bumps were basically good to go.

From the front it looked like Northface had the most natural snow of the fall line stuff.


We got over to the bottom and found it skiable.

The rest of the story is here:

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Sooo, theoretically, there could be some good skiing if they were to get, say, a foot of snow.....
A foot would be sweet.

"It is snowing now and we are staging the guns. We will be blowing again later today."
A foot would be sweet.

"It is snowing now and we are staging the guns. We will be blowing again later today."
How many NYSBloggers with touring gear would be willing to show up for a foot plus of powder on, say, Friday....if this storm comes off and Laz has no plan to open Friday? Just thinking crazy thoughts in my head, like a super discounted mountain rental with no lifts or services....just a NYSBlog kind of free heel, touring, tele kind of event???

Crazy, probably unworkable, idea, but how cool could that be?
The issue right now is ticketing. Unlikely they are going to be ready to spin before Sat.

Back to my original recommendation: If they do it will likely be passholders only, but it is still undetermined.
The idea was to earn lifts, no tickets.

However, “undetermined” makes it sound like an earlier opening may not be entirely out of the question....???
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The idea was to earn lifts, no tickets.

However, “undetermined” makes it sound like an earlier opening may not be entirely out of the question....???
I would be very interested in earning some turns Fri. Given the prep for opening weekend, I assume this would only work if it was OK'd by them...