Plattekill Conditions

Do we know when opening day will be? Operational details?

I haven't seen any guidance. I want to ask, but they are so crazy busy... maybe closer to opening day?

Hey who has a Plattekill pass, raise your hand.
I haven't seen any guidance. I want to ask, but they are so crazy busy... maybe closer to opening day?

Hey who has a Plattekill pass, raise your hand.
My friend does and I would had happily bought 1 but for my health reasons I don't think I ski more than few times
I happy to pay for lift ticket
Do we know when opening day will be? Operational details?
Opening day is a week from tomorrow.

Lift tickets in advance, not sure how they are going to handle the lodge etc.

More here:

I will see if I can learn more.
Is there an actual season pass deadline? Can’t find one on the website.
I believe the early deadline is passed. I *think* there is only one early deadline?

I defer to anyone who knows for sure.

Looks skiable in spots