Parking Lot Base Camp

Also giving some love to Plattekill some love in Michigan


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I didn’t have high hopes for this setup but it worked surprisingly well. It kept the wind at bay while we geared up and down with the little one


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Listen, I’m not a boot up in the car kind of guy (Pebax gets f’ing stiff when it’s cold!), and for lunch I’d prefer a Farmhouse Burger and a WF Bloody IN the Cloudspin, but.......we had a really nice lunch (including to-go Bloodies!) in the car today. Just sandwiches (well, and the fries I had to order so that I could order the drinks), but it wasn’t about the food. The company, the atmosphere, reminiscing bag lunches eaten outdoors (like eating at the Lunch Rocks), the snow falling, Marley on the XM. It all just fit, and made for a very nice forced hour in this weird COVID season.
I’m these days you got decide if you are the glass half empty or the glass half full type. Honestly, my brother is a half glass empty type and he had a miserable day today.
I’m these days you got decide if you are the glass half empty or the glass half full type. Honestly, my brother is a half glass empty type and he had a miserable day today.
In my world, the glass ism half empty and has a slow leak.
I like it. I’ve been thinking about setting up my pilot to extend my day trip range again. I think it’s time
I like it. I’ve been thinking about setting up my pilot to extend my day trip range again. I think it’s time
This is my Honda Pilot from a 2-week camping trip I had taken two summers ago through the Canadian Maritime provinces. I was in Newfoundland and Labrador for several nights, where there were no developed campgrounds, so I had come up with this.

I'm 5'11", and with the front seat all the way back, I was still able to fit lying down. I had a nice thick pad under the sleeping bag, which was very comfortable. If you look closely, you can see some green para-cord running through some small screw eyes, and the grab handles, etc, that are part of the car. I cut open the sides of some very heavy duty black plastic bags, and then taped three or four of them together, end to end, to create a privacy curtain. I used small binder clips to hang the privacy curtain from the para-cord. You can see the curtain across the front and right side windows in this picture. In the morning, I would simply unclip the curtain, roll it up, and then it would be ready for use the next night.

It all worked great!!!
