Palisades MTB Plug

That was definitely not a difficult trail, though I go pretty slow down hill ... I have neither the skills nor the confidence to go too fast!
Put some skis on it and "You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it."
Thanks for the info! This is what I did, and yes ... it definitely sucked going up!!! I knew I was really out of shape ... now I know how REALLY bad it is!! Oh well ... something to work on.

That was definitely not a difficult trail, though I go pretty slow down hill ... I have neither the skills nor the confidence to go too fast!
bike shop said 2 weeks we will see
I have been riding there for 25 yrs...I'll give ya proper tour..
Everyone tends to park at Tackamack which is its own separate county park technically. Blauvelt itself actually has no real formal parking area, just pull offs on the side of the road. I ride that park so many different ways and where I park is often the determining factor of how/what I ride. Marisco Court can also work for parking I just try to not park directly in front of the McMansions. Nike Park also works for parking though you technically have to ride sections of the long path "closed to bikes" in order to make it connect. That area is such a great example of the clusterfuck of different parcels owned by different local governments with entirely different rules on where you can and cannot ride your bike. Makes getting anything done around here formally damn near impossible.
... I just try to not park directly in front of the McMansions. ..That area is such a great example of the clusterfuck of different parcels owned by different local governments with entirely different rules on where you can and cannot ride your bike. Makes getting anything done around here formally damn near impossible.
Gotta go to plannin board(s) to accomplish that there.
bike shop said 2 weeks we will see
I have been riding there for 25 yrs...I'll give ya proper tour..
That would be awesome and much appreciated!!!

Hopefully the two weeks will give me some time to build up some aerobic capacity ... yesterday was very humbling!
That would be awesome and much appreciated!!!

Hopefully the two weeks will give me some time to build up some aerobic capacity ... yesterday was very humbling!
I’ve seen pp throw up after some of the climbs
I am out of shape now too
Gotta go to plannin board(s) to accomplish that there.
We do/have, meet with county and town parks administrators too. When everyone is on a different page and a few just don't give a shit it doesn't make things easy. It's great to have an enthusicatic person from the state willing to let our crews make improvements but when Rockland County can block access points by having adjacent parcels not open to biking and are not open to conversations it creates a stalemate.
We do/have, meet with county and town parks administrators too. When everyone is on a different page and a few just don't give a shit it doesn't make things easy. It's great to have an enthusicatic person from the state willing to let our crews make improvements but when Rockland County can block access points by having adjacent parcels not open to biking and are not open to conversations it creates a stalemate.
The guy from Rockland is a prick
We have had heated email exchanges
Stems from a biker that was killed near Paterson nj