ORDA Funding

How many total lifts and Gore, Belle and Whiteface? How long on average to lifts last? Detachables obviously don't last as long as fixed chairs.

If it's 40 total lifts, and lifts last 20(?) years you need to replace two lifts every year.
The new zip-coaster is called an “anchor attraction” nowadays.
This article calls it a "treetop trolly” ride.
Alliteration is fun but ya can get dizzy just figuring out what the dang thingy
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How many total lifts and Gore, Belle and Whiteface? How long on average to lifts last? Detachables obviously don't last as long as fixed chairs.

If it's 40 total lifts, and lifts last 20(?) years you need to replace two lifts every year.
Not sure detachable lifts necessarily need to be replaced in 20 years. Of course, there are certain parts that need to be maintained and replaced on a regular basis. Whether or not a lift is run during the "green seasons" is a factor.

" . . .
Some would say that rather than looking at a lift’s model year and the associated technology, what really matters is operating hours. A machine that runs winter- and daytime-only will accumulate around a thousand hours a year while the Whistler Village Gondola will rack up 3,500 hours in the same year spinning 18 hours per day all winter and all summer. Since there’s no way for me to know how many hours most lifts have I will have to stick with looking at them by model year.
. . ."
Here's Peter's summary of the new lifts discussed by the ORDA Board recently.

April 19, 2022
Peter said:
the average detachable is replaced at 23.8 years

My math for detachables not so far off.

Fixed grips last forever right? ;)
1. 16.5 million for the proposed HSQ at Whiteface is insane. Only a state agency would ever propose such an absurd lift. A useless lift at twice the price. Where are all those green and blue skiers going to go? There is no way to increase the trail count. Even if they manage to build the lift without the bend, it still does not account for skier traffic. What a total waste. Here is an idea - figure a way to do something about the 3 doubles (Freeway, Mountain Run, Little WF) on Little WF before you add a ton of skier traffic to the midstation at WF.

2. Gore needs a lot of snowmaking as they never open Burnt Ridge until mid Jan and keep it closed mid-week once it is open. The Ski bowl has similar issues with snowmaking. The lack of snowmaking already delays the Ski Bowl from connecting to the main area of Gore. How long will we wait for all those trails lookers right of the Ski Bowl lift to be cut? How long until they get snowmaking? Gore still has not cut the proposed trails off the Burnt Ridge HSQ (installed 2008).

3. Another absurdity is the proposed new HSQ to replace the #7 triple at Belleayre. Who came up with this crazy idea? There is a HSQ only about 100 vert feet below the top of the Lightening FGQ! I can see it on the map and when I ski at Belleayre. Why would you need one right next to the top of the Lightening FGQ?????There is already the Gondola from the Discovery base to get skiers to the top - and the already mentioned Belleayre Express. Does Belleayre really need an 800 vert foot HSQ in that location? What about the midstation on the #7?
Imagine that somebody thinks Belleayre needs 3 high speed lifts before Highmount is opened.
Here is another free idea for ORDA - OPEN HIGHMOUNT.
Imagine that somebody thinks Belleayre needs 3 high speed lifts before Highmount is opened.
Here is another free idea for ORDA - OPEN HIGHMOUNT.
Just my two cents on how those lifts could be better placed/money better spent...
Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 9.52.27 PM.png
when will ORDA be held accountable... this is ridiculous

not a single board member voted no on any of this. Absolutely clueless

“Whiteface hasn’t had a new lift in…I can’t even remember…maybe since the gondola.” -ORDA Board Member before voting to fund Whiteface’s third new lift in four years.

They really should be spending more on operations to actually make some snow to get what trails they have open, and spin the lifts already there which sit idle during peak holiday weekends.

If they really need to deplete a $35 million cap ex pot, how about some increased snowmaking capacity, snowmaking on the Belle XC loop, a nice fixed-grip skytrac or partek that doesn't go over flat terrain or disney bridges or the leveled remains of the most beautiful area of Belle, actually doing something with highmount other than cultivating weeds...
There’s other folks just saying ...