Old Folks Thread

never ending to do list
To be clear I want to be busy, I like it. It's just that 3x a month I have to present results and there's pressure to provide new and different insight each time. Data trends can persist for months, but clients want something new to think about each month. I'm pretty good at it, but it's exhausting.
1. Do what you like but like what you do.

2 Get busy making a life not a living.

3 Life ain't a dress rehearsal see number two.

4. Money and stuff are short-term satisfiers : They're never going to get you there .
You got to be happy and happiness comes through people, relationships and time for self-reflection and fulfillment.

Peace out 🙏
To be clear I want to be busy, I like it. It's just that 3x a month I have to present results and there's pressure to provide new and different insight each time. Data trends can persist for months, but clients want something new to think about each month. I'm pretty good at it, but it's exhausting.
Sounds like you’re talking about the blog too.
61 and no intention of retiring from my tech job. So long as I can have my generous time off, workday flexibility and WFH. If that ends I'll get a contracting job. When being full time doesn't cut it anymore then I'll go part time.

It's hard to imagine a day that I won't want to be engaged in the action at least a few days a week.

Having every day be like the weekend makes me a lazy slug. I know some others are different but that's not me.
I think about that too. For me, retirement might be about getting the RIGHT amount of work where I still feel retired. If that turns out to be zero, then so be it. But I'd like to start with maybe 15 hours a week to see how that feels. A cherry job, where the client knows I am going to consistently deliver, and gives me the flexibility to ski new snowfall, and write about it.
I understand.

I work 7-3, Mon - Thurs, 7-1 on Friday. It's the first time in my adult life that I'm not working weekends. It's so awesome!

I took a major cut in pay, but at this point in my life, time to myself and my girl, are #1.
Attaboy👍. Could get down to ski Greek with the boys during the week before the other bumps open.
I would have remained in my most recent job longer but for the 11-hour workdays. I liked my customers. I'm good at selling wine to millionaires. A long story which should be told over an adult beverage.
I would have remained in my most recent job longer but for the 11-hour workdays. I liked my customers. I'm good at selling wine to millionaires. A long story which should be told over an adult beverage.
Just sell em wine🍷in Saranac Lake and Lake Placid. Yer experienced. Shouldn’t take too long.
I think about that too. For me, retirement might be about getting the RIGHT amount of work where I still feel retired. If that turns out to be zero, then so be it. But I'd like to start with maybe 15 hours a week to see how that feels. A cherry job, where the client knows I am going to consistently deliver, and gives me the flexibility to ski new snowfall, and write about it.
Yeah that's exactly what did in a 5 yr "bridge " approach from Ft work to full retirement.

Worked Only Tues, Wed and half day on Thurs ,strictly during the 30 week academic calendar

Added bonus I w was working for myself,not the college

I had a partner and the college joffered us the office space and the overhead.

We gave them a share of our bottom line and also established Endowed Scholarships .

The college also made coin from food service rev.and dorm rev from our in residence seminar series for executives from business, industry and the health professions.

We did 15- 20 (3 day sessions) a yr, each with 40-50 professionals. The money was great, approx 2 and half times what my former salary was

Was a win win and a helluva transition to just ramp down and slide into real retirement and we skied our asses off Mon and Thurs and Friday 😁

I was very fortunate because I could draw my pension and got my health insurance so it was a very sweet deal.

I GOT a life
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